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- Contributor is exactly "Jim Saxe"
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Hillbillies Win in New York (Billboard, 1944)
To read a copy of the full story, see Additional Files below.This 1944 news story, written in the usual flashy style ofBillboard magazine, documents a surge of interest in "hillbilly music" in New… View itemStill Image
Double Tea-Cup Chain
The photograph of eight couples dancing a double star as part of the double teacup chain figures is from the March, 1963, issue of Bow & Swing, "The Magazine of Square Dancing in Florida." View itemWebsite
Square Dance, Oakland, CA - 1919
This silent newsreel footage from Gaumont News, a French company, shows several sets of dancers doing a quadrille in an outdoor setting. The brief title before the action reads: "Choose… View itemDocument
1940 Texas Square Dance Contest
Newspaper accounts of a square dance competition won by Bob Sumrall's Abilene set. The story goes into detail about each of the six competing teams,naming each of the dancers, the judges, and… View itemDocument
'Sophisticated' City Folks Are Getting Rural Rhythm
Newspaper story (1946) datelined New York that describes the post-WWII enthusiasm about square dancing: ---lt's hep these days to be a square—a square dancer, that is. Folks from 7 to 70 are… View itemDocument
Herb Greggerson - newspaper, 1951
Newspaper account of Herb Greggerson's appearance in Milwaukee, including his response to the question of how does a square dance caller get to the top of his profession. View item
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