Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

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  • Tags: poem

Song of the HIGH-LEVEL Dancer - poem

The push for "high level dancing" appeared in the 1950s as square dancing took off. Some dancers wanted ever-more-challenging programs and they were often reluctant to dance with less-skilled dancers.… View item

East Is East - Pat Pending

Pat Pending was the pen name under which Ed Moody contributed numerous poems to Ralph Page's magazine, Northern Junket. In this one, the poet looks at two distinct styles of dance calling and implores… View item

Cowboys' Christmas Ball - Anson, Texas

Poem written in 1890 describing the Cowboys' Christmas Ball in Anson, Texas. For more information about the author, see this website on cowboy poetry. The Ball continues, following the original rules… View item

Country Dance and Quadrille

In this poem, c. 1822, we see that it's the squires from the countryside of England who prefer the stately Miss Quadrille, while others are initially enamored of the charms of that newcomer from… View item