Youth in Square Dancing
This is a thorough look at how to involve younger dancers in square dancing, prepared by Sets in Order and published in the 1960s.
The handbook opens with an essay by Ralph and Zora Piper on "The Child's Nature and Square Dancing." Among other topics discussed are:
• A Bit About the Teacher
• Finding a Good Place to Dance
• Tips on Teaching Young People
• Recruiting, Registration, and Publicity
• Age Requirements in a Youth Program
• Dances – Variety in Programming
• Operation – Discipline – Deportment
• Code of Ethics for Young Square Dancers
• Dancing with Adults
From the introduction:
The answer to the question "Where do we go from here?" seems to lie in the direction of a new generation of square dancers—teen-agers and pre-teens—who have been discovering in their hobby a sensible, enjoyable and a challenging approach to growing up. They are the ones who will carry the fun into the future.
More than just a recreation, square dancing serves to develop many of the social responsibilities of young America. Courtesy, tact and leadership are just a sampling of the qualities derived from participation in this very non-"square" activity.
As a research project of the Official Magazine of Square Dancing we have interviewed, corresponded with and observed countless leaders in the field of youthful square dancing. From these people come the thoughts that form this handbook.
Subjects: Modern square dance - general
Tags: youth
Item Relations
This Item | is related to | Item: Square Dancing in the Park |
This Item | is related to | Item: Juvenile Delinquency and Square Dancing |
This Item | is related to | Item: Square Dance in Schools |
This Item | is related to | Item: Vermont square dancers, 1950s - children |
This Item | is related to | Item: Let's Square Dance! - instruction booklet - Richard Kraus |
This Item | is related to | Item: Bob Ruff - Square Dancing Fundamentals, Level 1 |
Dublin Core
The handbook opens with an essay by Ralph and Zora Piper on "The Child's Nature and Square Dancing." Among other topics discussed are:
• A Bit About the Teacher
• Finding a Good Place to Dance
• Tips on Teaching Young People
• Recruiting, Registration, and Publicity
• Age Requirements in a Youth Program
• Dances – Variety in Programming
• Operation – Discipline – Deportment
• Code of Ethics for Young Square Dancers
• Dancing with Adults
From the introduction:
The answer to the question "Where do we go from here?" seems to lie in the direction of a new generation of square dancers—teen-agers and pre-teens—who have been discovering in their hobby a sensible, enjoyable and a challenging approach to growing up. They are the ones who will carry the fun into the future.
More than just a recreation, square dancing serves to develop many of the social responsibilities of young America. Courtesy, tact and leadership are just a sampling of the qualities derived from participation in this very non-"square" activity.
As a research project of the Official Magazine of Square Dancing we have interviewed, corresponded with and observed countless leaders in the field of youthful square dancing. From these people come the thoughts that form this handbook.