Hurry, Hurry, Hurry - Herbie Gaudreau
Classic singing square, here in a live recording (1960s?) with caller Herbie Gaudreau. Today's contra callers probably know Gaudreau better than do contemporary square dance callers; his Becket Reel is the source for today's "Becket formation" in contras, with long lines of couples, each facing another couple across the set.
Tony Parkes comments: "Herbie apparently learned about contras from Ralph Page and Charlie Baldwin and tried them with his club dancers. Herbie must have liked the phrasing of contras and the variety they added to a SD program, but his dancers found the choreography too poky and too different from the all-moving squares they enjoyed. So Herbie wrote a bunch of all-moving contras, probably the first symmetrical contras and quite likely the first equal ones."
They were published in Modern Contra Dancing (1971) although some, like Becket Reel, were composed in the 1950s. Becket Reel appeared in Ralph Page's Northern Junket magazine in 1959, and Ralph Page says it appeared a year or so before then.
Subjects: Modern square dance - general
Tags: Herbie Gaudreau, Hurry Hurry Hurry, singing square
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Tony Parkes comments: "Herbie apparently learned about contras from Ralph Page and Charlie Baldwin and tried them with his club dancers. Herbie must have liked the phrasing of contras and the variety they added to a SD program, but his dancers found the choreography too poky and too different from the all-moving squares they enjoyed. So Herbie wrote a bunch of all-moving contras, probably the first symmetrical contras and quite likely the first equal ones."
They were published in Modern Contra Dancing (1971) although some, like Becket Reel, were composed in the 1950s. Becket Reel appeared in Ralph Page's Northern Junket magazine in 1959, and Ralph Page says it appeared a year or so before then.