Fundamentals of Square Dancing
Bob Ruff and Jack Murtha collaborated on a detailed program of teaching square dancing using a series of recordings. The clips in this item are taken from their Instructional Series, Levels 1-3, plus one track from the accompanying Party Series. Each album comes with detailed instructions, photographs, and a sequence of how the particular moves are to be walked through. This curriculum is still available on CD from Wagon Wheel Records.
Level 1, Track 2: The program starts with dancers in a circle. The first terms introduced in the program are Partner, Honors, Shuffle Step or Walk, Circle Left or Right, Forward and Back. In this track, new calls are the Walk Around Swing and Couple Promenade.
Level 1, Track 11: This track has no new calls, but instead incorporates the first 31 calls, including Two Ladies Chain.
Level 2, Track 12: The new call being introduced here is Rip 'N Snort.
Level 3, Track 12: This accompanies the instruction for Call 64, Alamo Style, and Call 65, Slip the Clutch.
Level 1, Party Series: Paddle Your Own Canoe. This is set to the same tune as the traditional square, "Head Two Ladies Cross Over." It uses different choreography but the title (used in the introduction and break, is a distinctive phrase from the traditional dance.
Each Instructional album has a corresponding Party album with called dances that were created for this purpose, using just the calls included on the corresponding Instructional album. More specifically, dances on Side A of the Party album corresponded to figures taught on Side A of the Instructional album.
The authors note, "This material has been thoroughly tested on dancers from the fourth through sixth grades, junior and senior high schools, college classes, church groups, recreation and camp programs, adult beginners' classes, and 50 basic square dance clubs."
Item Relations
This Item | is related to | Item: Bob Ruff - Square Dancing Fundamentals, Level 1 |
This Item | is related to | Item: Bob Ruff - Square Dancing Fundamentals, part 2 |
This Item | is related to | Item: Bob Ruff - Teaching Can Be Fun! |
Item: Alamo Style | is related to | This Item |
Item: Hey Lei Lee Lei Lee (clip) - Bob Ruff | is related to | This Item |
Item: Jack Murtha | is related to | This Item |
Dublin Core
Level 1, Track 2: The program starts with dancers in a circle. The first terms introduced in the program are Partner, Honors, Shuffle Step or Walk, Circle Left or Right, Forward and Back. In this track, new calls are the Walk Around Swing and Couple Promenade.
Level 1, Track 11: This track has no new calls, but instead incorporates the first 31 calls, including Two Ladies Chain.
Level 2, Track 12: The new call being introduced here is Rip 'N Snort.
Level 3, Track 12: This accompanies the instruction for Call 64, Alamo Style, and Call 65, Slip the Clutch.
Level 1, Party Series: Paddle Your Own Canoe. This is set to the same tune as the traditional square, "Head Two Ladies Cross Over." It uses different choreography but the title (used in the introduction and break, is a distinctive phrase from the traditional dance.
Each Instructional album has a corresponding Party album with called dances that were created for this purpose, using just the calls included on the corresponding Instructional album. More specifically, dances on Side A of the Party album corresponded to figures taught on Side A of the Instructional album.
The authors note, "This material has been thoroughly tested on dancers from the fourth through sixth grades, junior and senior high schools, college classes, church groups, recreation and camp programs, adult beginners' classes, and 50 basic square dance clubs."