Cumberland Square Eight
This popular dance can be found in numerous settings:
English country dancers in the US
Scottish country dancers celebrating Burns Night
"anarchic" dancers
another energetic group
dancers at a wedding party
Directions can be found here and here. For an alternate version, to make the dance a mixer, after the basket swings:
B1 Dosido and swing corner
B2 Promenade this new partner to the gent's home place.
Dublin Core
This popular dance can be found in numerous settings:
English country dancers in the US
Scottish country dancers celebrating Burns Night
"anarchic" dancers
another energetic group
dancers at a wedding party
Directions can be found here and here. For an alternate version, to make the dance a mixer, after the basket swings:
B1 Dosido and swing corner
B2 Promenade this new partner to the gent's home place.