Sally Goodin and a Docey Doe - Bill Litchman - Traditional Western Square Dances 5b
Caller: Bill Litchman. This clip shows the actual dance; a separate video shows the walkthrough. Once the dance gets going, Bill throws in patter using lyrics to the song Mountain Dew.
Bill Litchman learned the dance from the calling of Marvin Shilling, Walsenburg, Colorado. It may have originated with Ray Smith, of Texas, and thence to Herb Greggerson. (See related items.)
Recorded at the Dare to be Square Weekend, Nov. 18-20, 2011, John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC. Tune: Sally Goodin. Steve Hickman & Claudio Buchwald, fiddles, Jim Morrison, guitar, Sam Bartlett, banjo
Litchman included Shilling's calls for this dance in an article in The American Dance Circle, v.32 #4 Dec11 p. 8-9
Sally Goodin' with a Do Si Do
(after Herb Greggerson)
Western Jubilee 570A
1 All join hands and circle out south
Get a little moonshine in your mouth
'Round and 'round and 'round you go
Take your partner by the left and do a do-si-do
Partner left and corner right
And do-si-do with all your might
One more change and back to your honey and promenade
You promenade with your own little girl
Promenade eight go 'round the world and promenade all
Promenade eight and promenade all
Get along home, don't you fall
2 No. 1 couple bow and swing and
Lead right out to the right of the ring
Swing the Goodin's with a right for a do-si-do
(1st gent swings 2nd lady or right hand lady with right hand, while 1" lady swings 2nd gent with right hand at same time)
Partner left and don't you know
(1st couple swing with left hands while 2nd couple are now active and also swing with their left hands)
Take the next give right for a do-si-do
(1st gent goes across hall and swings opposite girl with right hand; at same time, gent 3 swings lady 2 and gent 2 swings lady 1 with right hands)
Back to your honey and you should know
(Gent 1 goes home and swings partner with left, while gents 2 and 3 swing own partners with left)
Then grandma right for a do-si-do 8
(gent 1 swings lady 4 with right, while at the same time gent 4 swings lady 3; gent 3 swings lady 2; and gent 2 swings lady 1; thus, all four couples are working or doing a do-si-do; continue do-si-do at least twice or until caller calls promenade)
3. Repeat No. 2 above leading with couple no. 2
4. Repeat No. 2 above leading with couple no. 3
5. Repeat No. 2 above leading with couple no. 4
Subjects: Traditional Western (pre-1940)
Tags: Bill Litchman
Item Relations
This Item | is related to | Item: Sally Goodin walkthrough - Bill Litchman - Traditional Western Square Dances 5a |
Item: Ray Smith - Sally Goodin and a Do-Si-Do | is related to | This Item |
Item: Square Dances of the Southwest | is related to | This Item |
Item: Sally Goodin variations | is related to | This Item |
Item: Half Sashay - Butch Nelson (clip) | is related to | This Item |
Item: Three Texas squares - Herb Greggerson | is related to | This Item |
Dublin Core
Caller: Bill Litchman. This clip shows the actual dance; a separate video shows the walkthrough. Once the dance gets going, Bill throws in patter using lyrics to the song Mountain Dew.
Bill Litchman learned the dance from the calling of Marvin Shilling, Walsenburg, Colorado. It may have originated with Ray Smith, of Texas, and thence to Herb Greggerson. (See related items.)
Recorded at the Dare to be Square Weekend, Nov. 18-20, 2011, John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC. Tune: Sally Goodin. Steve Hickman & Claudio Buchwald, fiddles, Jim Morrison, guitar, Sam Bartlett, banjo
Litchman included Shilling's calls for this dance in an article in The American Dance Circle, v.32 #4 Dec11 p. 8-9
Sally Goodin' with a Do Si Do
(after Herb Greggerson)
Western Jubilee 570A
1 All join hands and circle out south
Get a little moonshine in your mouth
'Round and 'round and 'round you go
Take your partner by the left and do a do-si-do
Partner left and corner right
And do-si-do with all your might
One more change and back to your honey and promenade
You promenade with your own little girl
Promenade eight go 'round the world and promenade all
Promenade eight and promenade all
Get along home, don't you fall
2 No. 1 couple bow and swing and
Lead right out to the right of the ring
Swing the Goodin's with a right for a do-si-do
(1st gent swings 2nd lady or right hand lady with right hand, while 1" lady swings 2nd gent with right hand at same time)
Partner left and don't you know
(1st couple swing with left hands while 2nd couple are now active and also swing with their left hands)
Take the next give right for a do-si-do
(1st gent goes across hall and swings opposite girl with right hand; at same time, gent 3 swings lady 2 and gent 2 swings lady 1 with right hands)
Back to your honey and you should know
(Gent 1 goes home and swings partner with left, while gents 2 and 3 swing own partners with left)
Then grandma right for a do-si-do 8
(gent 1 swings lady 4 with right, while at the same time gent 4 swings lady 3; gent 3 swings lady 2; and gent 2 swings lady 1; thus, all four couples are working or doing a do-si-do; continue do-si-do at least twice or until caller calls promenade)
3. Repeat No. 2 above leading with couple no. 2
4. Repeat No. 2 above leading with couple no. 3
5. Repeat No. 2 above leading with couple no. 4