Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

Shaw & his peers

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Shaw, Bob Osgood, and Ed Durlacher

Bob Osgood was the influential publisher of Sets in Order magazine and is widely credited with playing a key role in popularizing modern square dance. He was a caller in his own right; here is a link to Osgood calling Grand Square.


Durlacher was a prominent New York-based caller. Here is a sample of his style. He called for thousands of young dancers in Central Park in the 1940s.

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Shaw and Bob Osgood, October, 1949

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Fred Bergin and Shaw

Cal Campbell: "Pappy and Fred Bergin were partners in Lloyd Shaw Recordings. Fred was a marvelous piano player. He came to several of the Lloyd Shaw Fellowships and would play music on the old piano in the little hall we danced in. We all loved to call to his music. He would listen to your chant, for just a few measures of music, and quickly create a background that suited your style of delivery. It was amazing."

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Carl Ewing presenting the Silver Spur award to Shaw

Bob Osgood was president of the American Square Dance Society, and its Silver Spur award was meant to honor those who had "contributed meritorious service" to square dancing.

Cal Campbell: "Bob and Becky established a special award named the Silver Spur. Pappy was given the first award. Bob would occasionally give one to special people he felt should be honored. Over time, he probably only gave out maybe 20 awards."



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Al Brundage, Lloyd Shaw, Rickey Holden, Ed Gilmore

After attending Shaw's class for callers in 1949, Al Brundage played a key role in bringing modern square dancing to New England. See Jim Mayo's video interview for a first-hand account of this.