When The Work's All Done This Fall - Donald "Jake" Jacoby
Recorded by Bob Dalsemer, January 5, 1974 at the Maryland Line Fire Hall, Maryland Line, MD.
Caller: Donald "Jake" Jacoby
Band: The Saw Mill Boys
The figure: the active couple separates around the outside of the square, going all the way around. Meeting again in their home place, they link right elbows and swing once and a half around to face corners. All allemande left corners, and promenade (or couple dance) once around the set. After each couple in turn dances the figure, the two lead (i.e. head) couples do it simultaneously, then the side couples, then all four couples. Note the couple numbering terminology: 1st lead (1), first side (2), second lead (3) and last side (4).
The figure is similar to the one often danced to the singing square Solomon Levi. The tune is a much simplified version of the old cowboy ballad.
Tags: Jacoby, Maryland Line, Saw MIll Boys, singing square, When the Work's All Done
Dublin Core
Caller: Donald "Jake" Jacoby
Band: The Saw Mill Boys
The figure: the active couple separates around the outside of the square, going all the way around. Meeting again in their home place, they link right elbows and swing once and a half around to face corners. All allemande left corners, and promenade (or couple dance) once around the set. After each couple in turn dances the figure, the two lead (i.e. head) couples do it simultaneously, then the side couples, then all four couples. Note the couple numbering terminology: 1st lead (1), first side (2), second lead (3) and last side (4).
The figure is similar to the one often danced to the singing square Solomon Levi. The tune is a much simplified version of the old cowboy ballad.