Half Way Round - Tony Parkes
Tony Parkes, caller, recorded at the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend, January 12, 2007. The dance was called frequently by Ralph Page, and it's possible that Page got the figures from Connecticut caller Al Brundage.
The musicians are a reunion group of the Canterbury Country Dance Orchestra, and include Dudley Laufman (violin/ accordion), Jacqueline Laufman (violin), Bob McQuillen (piano), Sylvia Miskoe (accordion), Bob Reed (banjo/guitar), Jack Sloanaker (string bass), Vince O'Donnell (violin), Jerry Weene (banjo), Ted Levin (violin), Nicholas S Howe (violin), Walt Sweet (fife), Greg Boardman (violin). The tune is Buffalo Gals.
Directions, from the 2007 RPDLW Syllabus, edited by David Smukler:
Heads separate from partner and go single file round the outside (8)
Heads swing in opposite’s place as the sides right and left through (8)
Allemande left your corner (“wherever you are”) and dos-a-dos partner (16)
Four gents simultaneously cross the set (walk boldly across allowing the gent on your left to go just ahead of you) and swing the opposite (16)
Take your corner and promenade to the gent’s home (16)
Subjects: Northern / Prompt & Patter
Tags: Canterbury, Half Way Round, Tony Parkes
Dublin Core
The musicians are a reunion group of the Canterbury Country Dance Orchestra, and include Dudley Laufman (violin/ accordion), Jacqueline Laufman (violin), Bob McQuillen (piano), Sylvia Miskoe (accordion), Bob Reed (banjo/guitar), Jack Sloanaker (string bass), Vince O'Donnell (violin), Jerry Weene (banjo), Ted Levin (violin), Nicholas S Howe (violin), Walt Sweet (fife), Greg Boardman (violin). The tune is Buffalo Gals.
Directions, from the 2007 RPDLW Syllabus, edited by David Smukler:
Heads separate from partner and go single file round the outside (8)
Heads swing in opposite’s place as the sides right and left through (8)
Allemande left your corner (“wherever you are”) and dos-a-dos partner (16)
Four gents simultaneously cross the set (walk boldly across allowing the gent on your left to go just ahead of you) and swing the opposite (16)
Take your corner and promenade to the gent’s home (16)