Santa Monica 1950 - Don Ward comments
Creator: Don Ward (June or July, 2008)
The Trad-Dance-Callers listserv in 2008 had a discussion that touched on the Santa Monica dance. Don Ward was a participant in that event and he shared a few memories with the group.
Collection: MWSD
Subjects: Transitional/Western 1950s
Tags: Bob Osgood, California, Lloyd Shaw, Santa Monica
Subjects: Transitional/Western 1950s
Tags: Bob Osgood, California, Lloyd Shaw, Santa Monica
Item Relations
Item: Santa Monica 1950 - World's Largest Square Dance | is related to | This Item |
Don Ward, “Santa Monica 1950 - Don Ward comments,” Square Dance History Project, accessed March 31, 2025,
Dublin Core
Santa Monica 1950 - Don Ward comments
The Trad-Dance-Callers listserv in 2008 had a discussion that touched on the Santa Monica dance. Don Ward was a participant in that event and he shared a few memories with the group.
Trad-Dance-Callers listserv
Date Created
June or July, 2008