Arkansas Traveller variations
After several opening paragraphs in which the author decries the tendency toward ever more complex figures, he does admit that experienced dancers enjoy "a little variation." He takes one standard set of figures, the Arkansas Traveler, and introduces variations that make the figure more complicated. Throughout, he stresses the importance of timing the calls.
Before introducing the final version, he writes:
"As a final variation to the Arkansas Traveller, if the foregoing do not satisfy your dancers, here's one that out hashes the hashiest, and will have all the dancers hollerin "uncle" before its over. (May I also add, that as a matter of opinion, any caller who calls this kind more often to any group than he calls the plain ungarnished Arkansas Traveller is neither doing the dancers or square dancing a service, and is himself doing a most incompetent job of calling.)"
Item Relations
This Item | is related to | Item: Traditional Square Dance Figures |
This Item | is related to | Item: Arkansas Traveler - Bill Litchman, Traditional Western Square Dances 1 - |
This Item | is related to | Item: Arkansas Traveler (clip) - Rod Linnell |
This Item | is related to | Item: Arkansas Traveller - Marvin Shilling, 1953 |
This Item | is related to | Item: Arkansas Traveler with a Cross Trail Thru - Bob Dalsemer |
This Item | is related to | Item: Arkansas Traveler - Eric Clamons |
This Item | is related to | Item: Arkansas Traveler (clip) - Lee Bedford, Jr. |
Dublin Core
Before introducing the final version, he writes:
"As a final variation to the Arkansas Traveller, if the foregoing do not satisfy your dancers, here's one that out hashes the hashiest, and will have all the dancers hollerin "uncle" before its over. (May I also add, that as a matter of opinion, any caller who calls this kind more often to any group than he calls the plain ungarnished Arkansas Traveller is neither doing the dancers or square dancing a service, and is himself doing a most incompetent job of calling.)"