Square Dance Week - Austin, 1949
The photo shows Marlys Swenson giving a square dance lesson to Austin's "Mayor Tom," who has proclaimed the week of March 20-26, 1949, as "Square-Dance Week."
The Additional File is the accompanying newspaper clipping announcing Square Dance Week in Austin, Texas, starting with a dinner honoring caller Herb Greggerson. Later in the week, the Mid-Texas Square Dance Festival will take place:
"Greggerson and Lloyd Collier of Dallas will serve as masters of ceremonies. Callers include Harry Hope, president of the Houston council composed of 10,000 square dancers; Rickey Holden, member of the San Antonio recreation department; Jack Fomby, Sweetwater square dance leader; Grady Wilson, president of the Amarillo Council, and Chuck Rogers, leader of the Sweetwater-Abilene area."
Subjects: Transitional/Western 1940s
Tags: Austin, Chuck Rogers, Grady Wilson, Herb Greggerson, Jack Fomby, Marlys Waller, Rickey Holden, Texas
Item Relations
This Item | is related to | Item: Texas Callers - 1948 |
Additional Files
Dublin Core
The photo shows Marlys Swenson giving a square dance lesson to Austin's "Mayor Tom," who has proclaimed the week of March 20-26, 1949, as "Square-Dance Week."
The Additional File is the accompanying newspaper clipping announcing Square Dance Week in Austin, Texas, starting with a dinner honoring caller Herb Greggerson. Later in the week, the Mid-Texas Square Dance Festival will take place:
"Greggerson and Lloyd Collier of Dallas will serve as masters of ceremonies. Callers include Harry Hope, president of the Houston council composed of 10,000 square dancers; Rickey Holden, member of the San Antonio recreation department; Jack Fomby, Sweetwater square dance leader; Grady Wilson, president of the Amarillo Council, and Chuck Rogers, leader of the Sweetwater-Abilene area."