MWSD Named Dances
In the world of modern western square dance today, most callers create the choreography for each dance. Even singing squares, where there is more repetition of figures, can vary each time through, and patter calls are a series of hashed figures from the dancers' perspective. It's worth remembering that in the early years of the movement, coming out of traditional dances, dancers and callers were familiar with actual named dances with more standardized patterns.
An early issue of Sets in Order commented, " would be wise to somehow standardize the titles of the better-known calls." The author continued, "The dance which is executed by one couple promenading around the outside ring, then the lady going half way 'round again and standing in a line of three with the opposite couple which then goes forward and back, is titled in perhaps a half dozen ways. Three common names that identify it, however, are "Forward Three", "Lady Goes Half Way Round Again," and 'Three in Line you Stand."
The subsequent pages of the magazine listed nearly 150 dances, differentiating among ones with similar titles, such as:
- Forward Six (Back You Blunder)
- Forward Six Fall Back Eight
- Forward Six (Gents Grab Hold)
- Forward Six (Ladies Chain)
- Forward Six (Right Hand Up—Left Hand Under)
Subjects: Transitional/Western 1940s
Tags: dance names, title
Dublin Core
In the world of modern western square dance today, most callers create the choreography for each dance. Even singing squares, where there is more repetition of figures, can vary each time through, and patter calls are a series of hashed figures from the dancers' perspective. It's worth remembering that in the early years of the movement, coming out of traditional dances, dancers and callers were familiar with actual named dances with more standardized patterns.
An early issue of Sets in Order commented, " would be wise to somehow standardize the titles of the better-known calls." The author continued, "The dance which is executed by one couple promenading around the outside ring, then the lady going half way 'round again and standing in a line of three with the opposite couple which then goes forward and back, is titled in perhaps a half dozen ways. Three common names that identify it, however, are "Forward Three", "Lady Goes Half Way Round Again," and 'Three in Line you Stand."
The subsequent pages of the magazine listed nearly 150 dances, differentiating among ones with similar titles, such as:
- Forward Six (Back You Blunder)
- Forward Six Fall Back Eight
- Forward Six (Gents Grab Hold)
- Forward Six (Ladies Chain)
- Forward Six (Right Hand Up—Left Hand Under)