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Ed Gilmore - live recording - 1958
This live recording of three dances called by Ed Gilmore comes from Don Ward's Podbean site.After a musical introduction, the recording starts with Ward's comments and then moves to the dances: 3:15… View itemDocument
Beginners Square Dance - plan for ten lessons (Don Armstrong)
This handout by caller Don Armstrong explains in detail the material to be covered in a ten-session introduction to square dancing. For each lesson, Armstrong suggests figures to be taught and… View itemDocument
One Night Stand - Don Armstrong
This handout by caller Don Armstrong explains his approach to one night stands. In addition to programs for adults, he also discusses programs for children and for teens. The handout also discusses… View itemDocument
Cherokee Indian Circle Dance - Indian style?
Where does the square dance call "Indian style" originate? This description of a Cherokee dance, published in 1947, offers interesting possibilities. It comes from a booklet authored by two… View itemDocument
1954 National Square Dance Convention - callers
This listing comes from the program book of the 3rd National Square Dance Convention (Dallas, TX, April 8-10, 1954). View itemMoving Image
This dance, an Ed Gilmore composition published in Sets in Order Year Book No. 3, was part of a workshop of "Jigsaw & Origami Squares" led by Tony Parkes at the annual Star Hampshire Weekend of… View itemDocument
"The One Night Stand"
This short article from Sets in Order talks abotu the special challenges of events that are the first square dance experience for those gathered. It looks in particular at Margie and Ozzy Stout and… View itemStill Image
Square Dance Certificate
This "diploma" was awarded to graduates of a series of introductory modern square dance lessons. In the 1950s, square dancing still played on its country roots, witness the language used in… View itemDocument
'Sophisticated' City Folks Are Getting Rural Rhythm
Newspaper story (1946) datelined New York that describes the post-WWII enthusiasm about square dancing: ---lt's hep these days to be a square—a square dancer, that is. Folks from 7 to 70 are… View itemDocument
Herb Greggerson - newspaper, 1951
Newspaper account of Herb Greggerson's appearance in Milwaukee, including his response to the question of how does a square dance caller get to the top of his profession. View itemStill Image
Some Practical Considerations
This short essay was part of Square and Round Dance, Calls and Explanations, a bookled created by MacGregor Records and distributed along with some of the albums of square dance recordings. We've been… View itemDocument
International Square and Round Dance Convention
The International Square and Round Dance Convention is a unique cooperative event. 2014 was the 54th and last year that this convention was put on by callers and dancers from the plains states and… View item
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