Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

Jim Mayo - biography


Jim Mayo (Hampstead, NH) has been calling square dances for more than 60 years. He calls for clubs (Mainstream to Advanced) in his home area of New England and has called at festivals, weekends and clubs throughout North America.

He is accredited by CALLERLAB as a Caller Coach and was chairman of the Caller Training Committee and editor of the Caller Training Technical Supplement to the CALLERLAB Curriculum Guideline. For more than 30 years, he has trained callers throughout this country and in Canada, Europe, New Zealand and Australia.

Jim helped form the Tri-State Callers' Association and was one of the founding members of the New England Council of Caller's Associations, an organization he served in every office. He is a past Chairman of the New England Co-op Committee, a coordinating group of dancers, callers and round dance cuer organizations. Jim also served CALLERLAB from 1975 to 1977 as its first Chairman and continues to serve on the Board of Governors of this international association of square dance callers.

He is a member of the Sets in Order ASD Hall of Fame, The New England Square Dance Foundation Hall of Fame, and recipient of the CALLERLAB Milestone Award. He is the author of Step By Step Through Modern Square Dancing, the only book that has yet been written about the history of the modern form of square dancing.