Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

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  • Contributor is exactly "Glenn Bannerman"

Glenn Bannerman - big circle dances, audio

Two examples of big sets from western North Carolina, called by Glenn Bannerman with music from the Stoney Creek Boys. These audio files come from two recordings, "Mountain Dance Music Comes Alive"… View item
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Elizabeth Burchenal 5 - square dance

Several figures incorporated into four-couple square dance, with the men doing some fancy footwork. Starting at 2:16 and until the end, notice the musicians, two fiddlers and a banjo. The fiddlers… View item
Moving Image

Elizabeth Burchenal 4 - big set, rooftop

In this dance, the lead couple passes around their neighbors, and while behind them passes each other by the right hand, then returns to the center of the set, swings the opposite, and moves on to the… View item
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Elizabeth Burchenal 3 - big set demo

This appears to be a demonstration of various southern Appalachian big set figures. There are several shots of musicians scattered throughout.The film starts with the Georgia Rang Tang figure, also… View item
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Elizabeth Burchenal 2 - big set in field

Brief shot of Elizabeth Burchenal herself at the start; shots of musicians (guitar, 2 banjos, fiddle) at 2:51 Figures include: Opposite turn by right hand; partner turn by left hand; swing… View item
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Elizabeth Burchenal footage 1 - Old Dan Tucker

Elizabeth Burchenal leading a group in Old Dan Tucker, a dance with with an extra gent in the center, a square dance related to the Ninepin. Recorded at Coney Island; see Tilyou's Steeplechase… View item