Browse Items
- 12th Street Rag
- 1762
- 1950
- 1951
- 1953
- 1955
- 1958
- 1960s
- 1976
- 1st figure
- 3rd figure
- 4-H
- 5th figure
- 7-Up
- A. B. Ballantyne
- A'yen Tran
- A1
- Abby Huggins
- Abby Newton
- Abilene
- Abilene lift
- Adam and Eve
- Adam Boyce
- Adirondacks
- Adkins
- Adobe Hacienda
- Advanced
- advertisement
- advice
- aerial
- Africa
- African-American
- Aggie Haylofters
- Al Brownlee
- Al Brundage
- Al Stevens
- Alabama
- Alabama Jubilee
- Alamo Square
- Alamo style
- Alan Blackwell
- Alan Hicks
- Alan Jabbour
- Alan Lomax
- Albanstown
- Albert Dohse
- Alberta
- Albuquerque
- Alec Robertson
- Alex Boustead
- Alex Mulligan
- Allan Hurst
- Alle
- Allemande Alphabet
- Allemande Cotillion
- Allemande O
- Allemande Thar
- Allemande X
- alternative music
- Amanda Lovelee
- Amarillo
- Ambrosia Dance Band
- American Dance Circle
- American Folkways
- American Square Dance Group
- American Squaredance
- American Squares
- Amish
- Anaheim
- Andrea Cooper
- Andrew Norcross
- Andy Abeles
- Andy Anderson
- Andy Davis
- Andy Gump
- Animal Fair
- animals
- animations
- Ann Percival
- Anna Fuller
- Anna Patton
- Anne Pittman
- Annen Polka Quadrille
- Annie Lurie
- Anson
- Appalachia
- Aqua Barn
- Arch of Three
- archives
- Arden Johnson
- Arizona
- Arizona Double Star
- Arizona Hoedowners
- Arizona Star
- Arkansas
- Arkansas Mountain Boys
- Arkansas Star
- Arkansas Traveler
- Arkie Woodchopper
- Arky
- Arm and Hammer String Band
- Armin Barnett
- Arnie Kronenberger
- Around Just One
- Arroyo Seco
- Art Bland
- Art Galbraith
- Arthur Godfrey
- Arthurdale
- article
- Arva Shewchunk
- Arvid Olson
- Ary
- Asheville
- Asia Harman
- Asilomar
- Astro-nauts
- Auctioneer
- audio
- Audrey Forbes
- Augusta
- Augusta Heritage Center
- Austerlitz
- Austin
- Australia
- autograph
- Ava
- Baby Face
- Bachelor Mill
- Back to Donegal
- Bahama Quadrille
- Baie Saint-Paul
- Balance & Swing
- Balance Eight
- Bald Top Mountain
- Ball-Room Manual
- Baltimore
- Baltimore Folk Music Society
- Bambino Mine
- Bangor
- Barb Jarvis
- Barb Simmons
- Barbara Leblanc
- Barbara Neal
- Barden's Barn
- barn dance
- Barnacle Bill
- barns
- Barrington
- Barry Clasper
- Bascom Lamar Lunsford
- basic
- Basin Street Blues
- basket swing
- Baublitz
- Bay Path
- beatnik
- Beaton
- Beaton Institute
- Becket
- Becky Hill
- Becky Tracy
- Beech-Nut
- Beechwood
- beer
- Beer Barrel Polka
- beginners
- Belgium
- Bell Bottom Trousers
- Belle of the Ball
- Belmont
- Ben Burns
- Ben Davis
- Ben Nelson
- Ben Shahn
- Benjamin Lovett
- Berea
- Berea Country Dancers
- Berea Festival Dancers
- Berkshires
- Bernard Chalk
- Bernardston
- Bernie Chalk
- Bert Raphael
- Bert Spinney
- Bertha Holck
- Beseda
- Bessie Stafford
- Best Things in Life Are Free
- Beth Molaro
- Beth Tolman
- Bethel
- Betsy Gotta
- Betty Casey
- Betty Greene
- Betty Howell
- Betty Moore
- Beulah Samec
- BG Squares
- Bible Grove
- Bicentennial
- big circle
- Big Daddy
- big set
- Bill Bailey
- Bill Castner
- Bill Eddy
- Bill Emerson
- Bill Hands
- Bill Heyman
- Bill Johnston
- Bill Litchman
- Bill Martin
- Bill Mather
- Bill McAdoo
- Bill McGrath
- Bill Miles
- Bill O'Brien
- Bill Ohse
- Bill Palmer
- Bill Peters
- Bill Sawtell
- Bill Shilling
- Bill Shymkus
- Bill Simmons
- Bill Walker
- Bill Wimberly
- Billy Blinkhorn
- Billy Wilson
- biography
- Bird in the Cage
- Birdie in the Cage
- Black Cat Quadrille
- Black Hawk Waltz
- Black Lake
- Blanche Marrero
- Blind Blake
- Bloomington
- Blue Bonnet Calls
- Blue Bonnet Playboys
- Blue Eyes
- Blue Star
- Bluebonnet
- Bob Arbuckle Band
- Bob Aylward
- Bob Browder
- Bob Brundage
- Bob Cook
- Bob Dalsemer
- Bob Dean
- Bob Fisk
- Bob Gulyassy
- Bob Holt
- Bob Howell
- Bob Hunt
- Bob Isaacs
- Bob Lamont
- Bob Livingston
- Bob McQuillen
- Bob Osgood
- Bob Page
- Bob Reed
- Bob Riggs
- Bob Ruff
- Bob Skiba
- Bob Sumrall
- Bob Swerer
- Bob Van Antwerp
- Bob Walsh
- Bob's Dusty Jig
- Boil that Cabbage Down
- book
- Boom-Chuck Boys
- Boston
- Bouquet Waltz
- Bow to the Oyster
- Box the Gnat
- Brach's
- Brad Kolodner
- Bradford
- Bradford Arena
- Brasstown
- break
- Breakdown
- Brian Hotchkies
- British Association of American Square Dance Clubs
- Broadmoor
- Broadway
- Bronc Wise
- Brookline
- brothers
- Bruce Davis
- Bruce Johnson
- Bruce Roe
- Brussels
- Brysonville
- Bud Snow
- Bud Udick
- Buddy Weaver
- Buffalo Girls
- Buffalo Quadrille
- Buford Evans
- Buford Foster
- Bugs Bunny
- Bully of the Town
- Bumps-a-Daisy
- Bunkhouse Four
- Burke's Jig
- Burrell Snyder
- Burt Feintuch
- Butch Nelson
- Butterball
- Butterfly Whirl
- Buzzards' Glory
- Bye Bye Blues
- Byron Berline
- C-1
- C-2
- C.W. Johnson
- C4
- Cabool
- Caitlin Daum
- cakewalk
- Cal Campbell
- Cal Golden
- Cal Howard
- Caledonian
- calendar
- Calgary
- Calico and Boots
- Calico Top
- California
- California Heritage Dancers
- Call Me Madam
- caller
- caller resources
- callers
- Callers Jamboree
- callers' class
- calling
- Calling for Modern Square Dancing
- calls
- Calvin Campbell
- camp
- Camp Becket
- Camp Farley
- Camp Letts
- Camp Woodland
- Camptown Races
- Canada
- Canadian Barn Dance
- Canadian Breakdown
- Canadian Four Step
- Canadian Olde Tyme Square Dance Association
- Canadian Olde Tyme Square Dance Callers Association
- Canadian Olde Tyme Square Dance Callers' Association
- Canterbury
- Cape Breton
- Captain Jinks
- Carcassonne
- cards
- Caribbean
- Carl Ewing
- Carl Geels
- Carl Hertzog
- Carl Journell
- Carl Larson
- Carl Myles
- Carl Sims
- Carl Williams
- Carol Chandler
- Carol Hascall
- Carol Téten
- Carolina Cotton
- Caroline Oakley
- Carroll White
- Carson Robison
- Carter Newell
- cartoon
- Cartwheel
- Cast Off Six
- catalog
- catalogue
- Catch All Eight
- categories
- Catskills
- CD Foster
- Cecil Sharp
- Cecille Clark
- Ceder
- Central City
- Central Park
- certificate
- Chadds Ford
- Chain Down the Line
- Chain Lightning
- Chains Across
- Challenge
- Champlain Valley Folk Festival
- Chance McCoy
- changing choreography
- Chapel of Love
- Charleston
- Charlevoix
- Charley Thomas
- Charlie Baldwin
- Charlie McMicken
- Charlie Seelig
- Charlie Walden
- Charmaine Slaven
- chart
- Chase that Rabbit
- Chase the Rabbit
- Chateauguay Valley
- Chattanooga
- Chautauqua
- Cheat or Swing
- Cherokee
- Chester Fisk
- Chesterfield
- Cheyenne Mountain Dancers
- Cheyenne Mountain School
- Cheyenne Whirl
- Chi-Town Squares
- Chicago
- Chicken Plucker
- Chicopee
- children
- Chilhowie
- chime bells
- Chinese Breakdown
- Chinese Fan
- Chip Hendrickson
- Chirps Smith
- Chittenden
- Choc-A-Taw
- Choreographie Antique
- Chris Brady
- Chris Kermiet
- Chris Romaine
- Chris Sanderson
- Christmas
- Christmas Cotillion
- Chuck Raley
- Chuck Cohen
- Chuck Griffin
- Chuck Jones
- Chuck Rogers
- Chuck Wagon Team
- cigarettes
- Cimarron Rangers
- Cincinnati
- Cindy
- Circle Eighter
- Circle Three-Quarters and Pass Thru
- Circle to the Middle
- Circle Up Zine (Volume 1)
- Clamons
- Clare Plain Set
- Clarence Haller
- Clarence Maher
- Clark Baker
- Clarke
- Clarke Kugler
- classification
- Claude Chadwick
- Claudio Buchwald
- Clay Ramsey
- Clayfoot Strutters
- Clayton
- Cliff Anderton
- Climbing Them Golden Stairs
- Climbing Up the Golden Stairs
- Climbing Up Them Golden Stairs
- clogging
- clothing
- club
- Coca-Cola
- Cold Cold Heart
- college
- Colonel Bogey
- colonial
- Colorado
- Colorado Dancers
- Colorado Springs
- Colorado State University
- Columbus
- Come Up the Back Stairs
- Comin' Round the Mountain
- Comin' Round the Mountain. Dip for the Oyster
- Coming Round the Mountain
- commercial
- community
- competition
- computer
- concepts
- Concord
- Connecticut
- contest
- contra
- contract
- contredanse française
- Convair Hoedowners
- convention
- Cooley's Buckle Busters
- Cooper's Barn
- Cooperative Recreation Service
- Corbett Grigsby
- Corey DiMario
- Cornelia Putney
- Cornhuskers
- costumes
- cotillion
- cotillon
- Cotton Pickin' Five
- country dance
- Country Dance and Song Society
- Country Dance Society
- Country Dancer
- Country Dancing
- Country Rhythm Boys
- couple dance
- cowboy
- Cowboy Dances
- Cowboy Loop
- Cowboys' Christmas Ball
- Crawdad Song
- Crooked Stovepipe
- Cross Trail
- cuadrillas
- Cuje Bertram
- Cumberland
- Curlique
- Cut Away Six
- Cut Off
- Cut Off Six
- Cuttin' at the Point
- Cy Kano
- Cyril Stinnett
- Czech
- Czech Republic
- D. B. Hendrix
- Dad Brundage
- Daisy Alamo
- Daisy Chain
- Dallas
- Dan Allen
- Dan Freligh
- Dan's Hall
- dance camp
- Dance Discovery
- Dance Flurry
- dance hall
- dance names
- Dance through Time
- dancing master
- Dancing to the Music
- Dancing with Style
- Dante
- Dare to be Square
- Dare To Be Square 2009
- Dare to be Square 2011
- Darling Nellie Gray
- DASH records
- Dave Grant
- Dave Langford
- Dave Taylor
- Dave Whittington
- David Chandler
- David Colburn
- David Hendrix
- David John Winslow
- David Millstone
- David Park Williams
- Dayle Hodge
- Dayton
- DC
- de la Cuisse
- Dean Edwards
- Dean Johnston
- Deanna Stiles
- Dearborn
- Deb-U-Tones
- Debbie Ceder
- Debbie Gray
- DebUTones
- Decca Records
- Decko Deck
- Dee Dee Dougherty-Lottie
- Deep in the Heart of Texas
- Deer Park Lancers
- definitions
- Delaware Valley
- demonstration
- Demonstration Group
- Dena Fresh
- Denmark
- Dennis Merritt
- Denver
- Denver University
- Denver Wagon Wheel
- Desert
- Desert Dancer
- Detroit
- Deuce Williams
- Devil's Dream
- Devilish Merry
- Dexo
- Dezais
- Diamond Jubilee
- Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend
- Dianne Gum
- Dick Best
- Dick Jones
- Dick Kraus
- Dick Leger
- Dick Moore
- Dick Pavlovsky
- Dick Perry Orchestra
- Dick Rees
- Dick Richardson
- Dick Severance
- Dick Wilson
- dip
- Dip and Dive
- directions
- Dirk Powell
- discussion
- District of Columbia
- Dive and Rescue the Lady
- Dive the The Ocean Wave
- Divide the Ring
- Dixie Chain
- Dixie Folk
- Dixie Travel On
- Do Paso
- do si do
- Do-Ci-Do
- Do-Paso
- Do-Sa-Do
- do-si-do
- Do-si-do and Face the Sides
- Doc Alambaugh
- Doc Alumbaugh
- Docey Doe
- Docey Out as She Comes In
- Docey-Doe
- Docey-Doe Hoedown
- Dogs in the Ash Can
- Dolores Heagy
- Dominica
- Don Armstrong
- Don Beck
- Don Bishop
- Don Durlacher
- Don Messer
- Don Ward
- Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree
- Don't Think Twice
- Donald "Jake" Jacoby
- Donna Weston
- Dono Schabner
- Doo Dar
- Doonesbury
- dopaso
- Dorothy Shaw
- dos a dos
- Dos-a-Dos
- Dosey-Doe
- dosido
- Double Birdie
- Double Bow Knot
- Double Grapevine Twist
- double quadrille
- double square
- Double Tea-Cup chain
- Doug Neeson
- Doug Plummer
- Doug Protsik
- Douglas Johnson
- Douglas Kennedy
- Douglastown
- Down East
- Down South
- Down Yonder
- dress
- Drew Tronvig
- drowning
- Duane Chaney
- Duane Reagan
- Duck and Dive
- Duck for Oysters
- Duck for the Oyster
- Dude Records
- Dudes and Dames
- Dudes and Dolls
- Dudley Laufman
- Duel in the Sun Orchestra
- Duke Miller
- Duluth Stomp
- Dunmore
- Durang
- Durang's Hornpipe
- Dusty Roads
- Duval
- Duval's 2nd Set
- E. O. Rogers
- E. Thetford
- Earl and his Hoedowners
- Earl Johnston
- Earle Park
- East Hill Farm
- East Meets West
- Eastern
- Eastern squares
- Easy Key
- Ebenezer
- echo
- Ed Austin
- Ed Bossing
- Ed Charette
- Ed Durlacher
- Ed Gilmore
- Ed Goodreau
- Ed Larkin
- Ed Larkin Dancers
- Ed Moody
- Ed Sullivan
- Ed Thrall
- Eddie Carol
- Eddie Evans
- Eddie Mayall
- Edith Wheeler
- Edna Davis
- Edson Cole
- education
- EH "Duke" Regnier
- Eight Hands Across
- Eight to the Center
- El Paso
- Elbow Swing
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Eliot Singer
- Elisha Keeler
- Elixir
- Elizabeth Burchenal
- Elkins
- Ella Sexton
- Ellis Rogers
- Ellis Wilson
- Elmer Clark
- Elmer Tampke
- Elmira
- Eloise Hubbard Linscott
- Emerson Lang
- Emily Abbink
- Emily Addison
- Emma Weir
- Emmette Wallace
- End of the World
- ending figure
- Ends Turn In
- Engine #9
- England
- English country dance
- Entrelacs 2
- equipment
- Eric Clamons
- Erin O'Daly
- Erna Egender
- Ernest Hawes
- Ernest Legg
- Ernie Kinney
- Ernie Shoebridge
- Ernie Spence
- Estes Park
- Esther Grayson
- Ethan Hazzard-Watkins
- Ethel Capps
- etiquette
- Etobicoke
- Europe
- exhibition
- exploding squares
- Expo 74
- F&W
- Fairlee
- Fairmont
- Fairport
- Falltown String Band
- False Hearted Girl
- Fancy Gap
- Farewell to Whiskey
- farmer
- Farmer Stultz
- Farmer's Daughter
- farmers
- Farnsworth Crowder
- fashion
- fellowship
- Fenton "Jonesy" Jones
- Fergie Ferguson
- festival
- festival programs
- Festival Quadrille
- Feuillet
- fiddle
- fiddle contest
- Fiddle Faddle
- fiddler
- Fifty Miles from Times Square
- Figure Eight
- film
- finding guide
- Fire Hall
- Fire on the Mountain
- First Boy to the Right
- First Ten Years
- Fisher's Hornpipe
- Flaherty
- Fledermaus Quadrille
- Fleischmanns
- Florida
- Florilla Perkins Ames
- Floud Parker
- Floyd Lockhart
- Floyd Parker
- Floyd Woodhull
- Fluid Drive
- Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss
- Flying Saucers
- Flying Squares
- Foghorn
- Foghorn Stringband
- Fogo Island
- Folk Dance Federation of California
- Folk Dance Federation of Washington
- Folk Dancer
- folk dances
- Folk School
- Folkdancer
- Folkmoot
- folkore
- Folkraft
- Folkways
- Fontana
- Foot 'n Fiddle
- Foot 'n' Fiddle
- Footnotes
- For Once in My Life
- Ford
- Form a Star
- Forrest Delk
- Forsyth
- Fort Worth
- Forward Eight and Chain Around
- Forward Five
- Forward Six
- Forward Six and Back
- Forward Six and Fall Back Eight
- Forward Six and Fall Back Six
- Forward Up Six
- Fountain
- Four in a Center Line
- Four in Line
- Four in Line You Travel
- Four Ladies Back to Back
- four ladies chain
- Four Leaf Clover
- Four Square
- Fox Creek
- foxtrot
- Fran and Steve Stephens
- française
- France
- Frances West
- Francis C. Oakes
- Francis Geels
- Frank Chavez
- Frank Ferrel
- Frank Fortune
- Frank Grundeen
- Frank Kaltman
- Frank Kendall
- Frank Lane
- Frank Lerash
- Frank McEwen
- Frank Messina
- Frank Smith
- Frank Tyrell
- Frankie Yankovic
- Frannie Heintz
- Fred Bergin
- Fred Collette
- Fred Feild
- Fred Leifer
- Fred Park
- Fred Townsend
- Fred Wersan
- Frederic Knorr
- Frederick Douglass Kirkpatrick
- Freewheeler
- French
- French-Canadian
- frontier
- frontier dance
- Ft. Collins
- fur trade
- G-String
- G.T. Sheldon
- Gail Heil
- Galax
- Gary Ellison
- Gaspé
- Gassetts
- Gassetts Grange
- Gatlinburg
- gay
- Gay Callers Association
- Gay Gordon's
- Gender Neutral Calling
- Gene Goforth
- Gene Gowing
- Gene Ward
- Geneseo
- Geneseo String Band
- Gents and Corners
- Gents Three-Quarter Star
- George Bedell
- George Boles
- George Campbell
- George Greene
- George Gulyassy
- George Hodgson
- George Pickow
- George Randall
- George Van Kleeck
- George Vuke
- George Wade
- George Washington
- George Waudby
- George Wilson
- Georgia
- Georgia Rang Tang
- Gérard Morin
- German
- Germany
- Gerry Milnes
- Gib Gilbert
- Gil Kiesecker
- Ginger Brown
- Girl I Left Behind Me
- Girl Scouts
- Gitfiddlers
- Glen Cooper
- Glen Morgan
- Glencoe
- Glencoe Promenade
- Glenn Bannerman
- Glenn Pease
- Glenn Rickman
- Glenside Ceili Band
- Glenville
- Glise de Sherbrooke
- Gloria Rios Roth
- Glory Glory Hallelujah
- Goal Post
- God Bless America
- Goddard College
- Goin Down South
- Goin' Uptown
- Goin’ to Town
- Going Down South
- Going to the Barn Dance Tonight
- Going Uptown
- Golden
- Golden Eagles Band
- Golden Slippers
- Golden State
- Golden Wedding Day
- Goodbye My Lady Love
- Gordon McCann
- Gordon Tracie
- Grace Ryan
- Grace Ward
- graduation
- Grady Hester
- Grady Wilson
- Graham Peters
- Graham Rigby
- Grand Canyon Boys
- Grand Colonel
- Grand Colonel Spin
- Grand March
- Grand Ole Opry
- Grand Prowl
- Grand Right and Left
- Grand Square
- Grand Tour
- Grandfather's Clock
- Grandma Slid Down the Mountain
- Grange
- Grapevine Twist
- graph
- Great Britain
- Great Plains
- Green Grass Cloggers
- Green Mountain Land
- Greenfield
- Greenville
- Greg Hooven
- Gribble
- Grid Square
- Gully Jumpers
- Guy Landry
- Guy Mann
- Guy Steele
- Gypsy Gyppo String Band
- H.G.O. Washburn
- H.H. Harris
- Hal “Dad” Brundage
- Half Sashay
- Half Way Round
- Hall of Fame
- hambo
- Hand Turn Hash
- handbook
- Handel
- Handley's Oldtimers
- Hank Fields
- Hank Larson
- Hanover
- Happy Hale
- Harbert Gilbert
- Harbour Deep
- Harlan Kerr
- Harlem
- Harlem Rosette
- Harley Luse
- Harold Erickson
- Harold Luce
- Harold Spaulding
- Harper Smith
- Harriet Kline
- Harrison Keely
- Harry Aceto
- Harry Bennet
- Harry Desborough
- Harry King
- Harry Lacky
- Hart's Lancers
- hash
- Hashing the Breaks
- Haste to the Wedding
- Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
- Haverhill
- Haywood County
- Hazardville
- Head Two Ladies Cross Over
- Heads to the Center
- Heads to the Center Sides Divide
- Heel & Toe
- Heel and Toe
- Heiner Fischle
- Helen Eisenberg
- Helen Price Stacy
- Helen Smithwick
- Helen Ulrich
- Hélène Gaulin
- Hello Mary Lou
- Helvetia
- Henry Ford
- Henry Hudson
- Henry Morris
- Herb Egender
- Herb Greggerson
- Herb Mangan
- Herb Strickland
- Herb Warren
- Herbie Gaudreau
- Hernando's Hideaway
- Hesse Reese
- Hey Lei Lee Lei Lee
- High Country Dancers
- high energy
- high level dancing
- high school
- Hilary Woodruff
- hillbilly
- Hilton Kelly
- Hinky Dinky Parlez Vous
- hip hop
- hipster
- Historical dance
- history
- Hoedown Island
- Holiday Hill
- Hollis Johnson
- Holly Haworth
- Hollywood
- Home in San Antone
- home movie
- Homer Davis
- Homer Howell
- Honest John
- Honeycomb
- Honolulu Baby
- Honor Your Partner
- Hoodoo
- Hoosier Promenade
- Hoosier Square Dancer
- Horse and Buggy Schottische
- Hot Time in the Old Time Tonight
- Hot TIme in the Old Town TOnight
- Hotshot Caller
- house party
- Houston
- Houston Star
- Howard Bernard
- Howard Moore
- Howard Ragle
- Howe Teague
- Howie MacDonald
- Hugh Thurston
- Hull House
- humor
- Hurry Hurry Hurry
- I Don't Know Why
- I Like Mountain Music
- I Only Want a Buddy Not a Gal
- I Wanna Say Hello
- I Want a Gal
- I. O. Hughes Jr.
- I. R. Witt
- I'll Swing Your Girl You Swing Mine
- I'll Swing Yours
- Ian Bell
- Ian Foster
- Ian McConnell
- Ida Bell Hicks
- Ida Levin
- Idaho
- If You Knew Susie
- Ihduhapi
- Illinois
- illustration
- immigrant
- In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree
- Inaugural Ball
- Independence
- index
- Indian style
- Indiana
- Indiana Twirlers
- Indiana University
- Indianapolis
- Inside arch
- Inside Out Outside In
- Instant Hash
- institute
- instr
- instruction
- instrumental
- insurance
- Intercollegiate Outing Club Association
- interview
- Interviews
- introductory lesson
- Inverness
- Inverness County
- Iona
- Iowa
- Ira Decker
- Ireland
- Irene Hewitt
- Irish
- Irish set dance
- Irving Andert
- Irving Berlin
- Islanders
- Israel Heaton
- It Ain't Gonna Rain No More
- It's a Small World
- Ithaca
- Ivan Porter
- J. Olcutt Sanders
- J. Russel Eshback
- J. Scott Skinner
- Jack Arehart
- Jack Barbour
- Jack Borgström
- Jack Clark
- Jack De-La-Warr
- Jack Fomby
- Jack Hawes
- Jack Jackson
- Jack Lasry
- Jack Luby
- Jack McKay
- Jack Murphy
- Jack Murtha
- Jack O'Connor
- Jack Riley
- Jack Roach
- Jacki Spector
- Jacoby
- Jake Miller
- Jamaica Farewell
- Jambalaya
- James Golleher
- James Kimball
- James Wyatt
- Jane Austen
- Jane Harris
- Jane Orzechowski
- Janet MacLean
- Janine Smith
- Japan
- Jay & Helen Orem
- Jay Martin
- Jay Orem
- Jay Ungar
- Jaybird Died of the Whooping Cough
- Jean Alve
- Jeanne Moody
- Jeff McKeen
- Jefferson City
- Jenifer Pashkowski Craig
- Jens Lund
- Jeremiah McLane
- Jerry Goodwin
- Jerry Haag
- Jerry Helt
- Jerry Jacks Trio
- Jerry Jestin
- Jerry Junck
- Jerry Lewis
- Jerry Mitchell
- Jesse Cosby
- Jesse Hazzard-Watkins
- Jesse Polka
- Jessie Flood
- Jessie Polka
- Jessie Ramsden
- Jet Roberts
- jig dancing
- jigging
- Jim Bonahoom
- Jim Boyd
- Jim Brooks
- Jim Brower
- Jim Calvert
- Jim Cook
- Jim Kimball
- Jim Lackey
- Jim Mayo
- Jim McCutcheon
- Jim Morrison
- Jim Munyon
- Jim Sadlish
- Jim Saze
- Jim Skiles
- Jim Vickers-Willis
- Jim Wilkerson
- Jim York
- Jimmy Clossin
- Jimmy Crack Corn
- Jimmy Gage
- Jimmy Morris
- Jingle Bell Square
- Jingle Bells
- jitterbug square
- Joan Bennett
- Jock Cullen
- Joe Bailey Edwards
- Joe Boykin
- Joe Casey
- Joe Cormier
- Joe Dehn
- Joe Kromer
- Joe Lang
- Joe Lewis
- Joe MacEarchern
- Joe Martin
- Joe O'Leary
- Joe Pancerzewski
- Joe Thompson
- Joe Turner
- Joel C. Wilson
- Joel Eckhaus
- John Angus Foster
- John Bellamy
- John Bill Allen
- John Bishop
- John Bradford
- John Brown's Body
- John C. Campbell
- John C. Campbell Folk School
- John Cohen
- John Derby
- John Dilleshaw
- John Gould
- John Hendron
- John Herrmann
- John Kaltenthaler
- John Marsden
- John Martin
- John Newton
- John Plomundon
- John Putnam
- John R. James
- John Ramsay
- John Roach
- John Rowlands
- John Steele Batson
- John Szwed
- Johnny Balmer
- Johnny Barbour
- Johnny Davis
- Johnny Don't Get Drunk
- Johnny LeClair
- Johnny Melton
- Johnny Tromblay
- Johnny Wedge
- Johnny's Hash
- Jon Jones
- Jon Lurie
- Jones Beach
- Jonesy
- Joseph Burns
- Joseph Fadler
- journal
- Joy of Dancing
- Jørn Borggreen
- Juana de Laban
- Jubilee U.S.A.
- Judy Webster
- Julieanne Johnson
- June Apple
- Junior Richardson
- Just Because
- juvenile delinquency
- juvenile delinquents
- Kaleidoscope Square
- Kansas
- Kansas City
- Kappie Kappenman
- Karen Mulrenin
- Karen ter Horst
- Karl Byarski
- Karsner
- Kate (Peter) Barnes
- Kate Palmer
- Kate Van Winkle Keller
- Kate's Country Cuzins
- Kathryn Eager
- Kathy Anderson
- Katrina Hazzard-Donald
- Keeler
- Keith Blackmon
- Keith Murphy
- Keith Ranch
- Ken Anderson
- Ken Hawkesford
- Ken Kolodner
- Kensington
- Kentuckiana
- Kentuckiana Cloggers
- Kentucky
- Kentucky Dance Foundation
- Kentucky Do-Si-Do
- Kentucky Mountain Square Dancing
- Kentucky running set
- Kermiet
- Kessinger Brothers
- Kevin Gardner
- Kiely
- Kilfenora Set
- Killingly
- Kilowatt Eights
- Kira Heartsong
- Kirkwood Lodge
- kitchen hop
- kitchen junket
- Kitchen Lancers
- Kittery
- Kitty Keller
- Knoxville
- Knuckleheads
- Kodak
- Kon-Tiki
- L. D. Keller
- L.L. Smith
- La Boulanger
- La Boulangère
- La Dorset
- La Polonaise
- La Poule
- La Rencontre des Dames
- La-Bouchette
- Labor Day Quadrille
- Lac-Bouchette
- Laces and Graces
- Ladies Center Men Sashay
- ladies chain
- Ladies to the Center
- Ladies Whirligig
- Ladies' Whirligig
- Lady Around the Lady
- Lady Be Good
- Lady Go Halfway Round Again
- Lady of Spain
- Lady of the Lake
- Lady Round the Lady
- Lady Round Two
- LaFarge
- Lafi Miller
- Lake George
- Lake Morey
- Lake of Ozarks
- Lake of the Ozarks
- Lancers
- Lancers Quadrille
- Lane Earns
- Larry Edelman
- Larry Eisenberg
- Larry Jenning
- Las Cuadrillas
- Last Night at the Square Dance
- late nineteenth century
- Laura Sadowsky
- Laurie Andres
- Laval
- Lawrence Loy
- Lazy H
- Lazy River
- Le Pantalon
- Le Visite
- Leadership Conference
- Lebanon
- Lee Bedford Jr.
- Lee Bedford Sr.
- Lee Blackwell
- Lee Day
- Lee Guthrie
- Lee Helsel
- Lee Kopman
- Lee Mace
- Lee Owens
- Lee Ticknor
- LeeEllen Friedland
- Left Footers One Step
- Left Hand Lady Right Hand Round
- Left Hand Low
- Left Hand Star Breakdown
- Len Peters
- Lenox
- Leonard Hurst
- Les Fraises et Les Framboises
- Les Gotcher
- Les Graces
- Les Lanciers
- Les Lanciers des Quebec
- Les Quatre Berceaux
- Les Raber
- Leslie Hyll
- Lester Bradley
- Let's Dance
- Let's Square Dance!
- Levantine's Barrel
- Lewy Lederer
- Li'l Abner
- Liberty
- Liberty Squares
- Liberty Two-Step
- Library of Congress
- Life On The Ocean Wave
- Lighted Lantern
- Lillie Lee Baker
- Lincoln
- Linda Henry
- Linda Sue
- lines
- Lines of Six
- Linn Cady
- Lisa Greenlead
- Lisa Greenleaf
- Listen to the Mockingbird
- Little Black Book
- Little Dutch Girl
- Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane
- Little Red Caboose
- Little Red Wagon
- Little Shoemaker
- Little Side Door
- Little Spanish Restaurant
- live recording
- Liza Jane
- Lloyd Collier
- Lloyd Litman
- Lloyd Schmidt Charlie Tuffield
- Lloyd Shaw
- Lloyd Shaw Fellowship
- Lloyd Shaw Foundation
- Lloyd Yesberger
- Log Cabin
- Lois Mace Webb
- London
- Lonesome Luke
- Lonesome Me
- Lookout Mountain
- Lord Saltoun's Reel
- Loren Pace
- Loretto
- Lori Morin
- Los Angeles
- Lou Brown
- Lou Maiuri
- Louis Calhoun
- Louis XIV
- Louise La Master
- Louise Winston
- Louisiana Swing
- Louisville
- Lovely Lane
- lovett Hall
- Lucky Strike
- Lucy Darling
- Lucy Long
- Luis Torres
- Luke Decker
- lumberjacks
- Lusk
- Luther Ossenbrink
- Lyle Ring
- Lyman Enloe
- Lyman Rogers
- Lyn Ungar
- Lynn Bradley Clogston
- Lynn Rohrboughh
- Lynn Woodward
- M. Guy Thomas
- Ma and Pa
- Mabel Roach
- Mabou
- Mac McKenrick
- Mac Morin
- Mac Ojima
- Mac Traynham
- Mack Samples
- MacNamara's Band
- Mademoiselle from Armentieres
- Madison
- magazine
- magazines
- Maggie Valley
- Maidenform
- Maine
- Maine Folk Dance Camp
- Maine Historical Society
- Mainstream
- Makin' Whoopee
- Mal Hayden
- Malcolm McLaren
- Manchester
- mandolin Larry Edelman
- Manitoba
- Manning Smith
- Manny Wiener
- manual
- Maple Sugar
- Maple Sugar Gal
- Marching to Georgia
- Margaret Clark
- Margaret Nash
- Margie Stout
- Margo Baughman
- Margo Mayo
- Margot Mayo
- Marguerite Bidstrup
- Marguerite Wood
- Maria
- Maria Angad Gaur
- Marianne
- Marie Armstrong
- Marie Hawes
- Marion Sumner
- Marion Waudby
- maritime
- Mark Hamilton
- Mark Rice
- Mark Roberts
- Marlbrouk
- Marlys Waller
- Marshall Flippo
- Martha Campbell
- Martin Mallard
- Martin Young
- Marvin Owen
- Marvin Shilling
- Mary Ann
- Mary Collette
- Mary Jenkins
- Mary Jo Bradford
- Mary Jo Brearley
- Mary Josy Bradford
- Mary Lea
- Maryland
- Maryland Line
- Masaru Wada
- Massachusetts
- Massey Family
- Matt McGovern
- Maud Karpeles
- Mavericks
- Max Forsyth
- Maxwell House
- May Gadd
- Maycroft Dancers
- Maycroft Square Tappers
- Maze of Heys
- McLain Family Band
- Me and My Shadow
- Mel Day
- Melbourne
- Mellie Dunham
- Melton Luttrell
- Memphis
- Menominee
- Mental Image
- mentor
- Meredith Robb
- Merry-Go-Round
- Métis
- Mexican
- Mexico
- Miami Mustangs
- Miami Twirlers
- Miami Valley
- Mica Flats
- Michael Ismerio
- Michael McKernan
- Michael Solomon
- Michael Yates
- Michigan
- Mid-Westerners
- Middle of the Mound
- Midwest
- Midwest Dancer
- Mike Callahan
- Mike Callahan. Rochester
- Mike DeSisto
- Mike Gangloff
- Mike Hebb
- Mike Jacobs
- Mike Michele
- Mike Micheles
- Mike Michelle
- Mike Mossman
- MIke Rogers
- Mike Seastrom
- Mike Solomon
- Mike Williams
- Milagro Square
- Mildred Buhler
- Milestone
- Milwaukee
- miner
- mining
- Minneapolis
- Minnesota
- Miriam Gray
- Miss MacLeod's Reel
- Missing Link
- Missisippi Sawyer
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Missouri Hoedown
- Missy Reisenleiter
- mixer
- modern
- Modern Contra Dancing
- modern square dance
- Mohonk Mountain House
- Moira Goff
- Molly Put the Kettle On
- Monadnock Folkways
- Monadnock Muddle
- Mont Joli
- Mont-Joli
- Montpelier
- Moore Hall
- Morgantown
- Moriarty
- Mormon
- Mormons
- Morris Kaufman
- Morton Marks
- Mount Airy
- Mountain Dance and Folk Festival
- Mountain Dance Trail
- Mountain Dew
- Mountain Do-Si-Do
- Mountain Grove
- Mountain Music
- Mountain Music Madness
- Mountain Square Dance Festival
- Mountaineer Loop
- Mountaineers
- movie
- Mr. and Mrs. Siller
- Mr. Pastry
- Mrs. Paul Baker
- Mulvihill's Jig
- music
- musical
- Mussels in the Corner
- MWSD History
- My Little Girl
- Myles Coman
- Myron "Lefty" Davis
- Myron Colby
- Nancy Mamlin
- Nancy Rowland/Gate to go Through
- Nashville
- Nasser Shukayr
- Nathan Bowles
- Nathaniel Lucy
- National Barn Dance
- National Square Dance Convention
- National Square Dance Convention
- native
- Navy Two Step
- Nebraska
- Nederlands Historisch Dans-en Theaterensemble
- Neil Barden
- Neil Whitson
- Nellie Bly
- Nelson
- Neopolitan Waltz
- Neva Boyd
- Nevada
- Nevada Tribble
- New Creek
- New England
- New England Caller
- New England Chestnuts
- New England Fiddles
- New England Squares
- New England Tradition
- New Hampshire
- New Hampshire Library of Traditional Music & Dance
- New Jersey
- New Lost City Ramblers
- New Mexico
- New Paltz
- New River Train
- New Salem
- new squares
- New World In The Morning
- New York
- New York City
- New York Folklore Society
- New York Times
- New Zealand
- Newbury
- Newell Long
- Newfoundland
- newspaper
- newsreel
- Niblo
- Night at Sunny Hills
- Nile Wilson
- Nils Fredland
- Ninepin
- Nobody's Baby
- Nobody's Business
- Norm Lindsay
- Norman Gill
- North Ca
- North Carolina
- North Carolina Breakdown
- North Carolina Cloggers
- North Dakota
- Northern
- Northern Junket
- Northern Lights
- Northfield
- Northwest Wranglers
- Norwegian polka
- Notorious
- Nova Scotia
- O'Brien Farms
- Oak Grove Barn
- Oakland
- Oberwesel
- Ocean Wave
- Ocracoke
- Ocracoke Island
- Odd Couple Promenade
- Odd Couple to the Center
- Odell Thompson
- Off She Goes
- Oh By Jingo
- Oh Johnny Oh
- Oh Lonesome Me
- Oh Susannah
- Ohio
- Ojibwa
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma City
- Oklahoma Cyclone
- Olcutt Sanders
- Old Bump Gate
- Old Dan Tucker
- Old Fashioned Gal
- Old Fashioned Girl
- Old Grey Bonnet
- Old Grey Goose
- Old Man and the Old Woman
- Old New England
- Old Pine Tree
- Old Side Door
- Old TIme Music Gathering
- old-time
- old-time fiddle
- Old-Time Herald
- Old-Time Music Makers of New York State
- Old-Tyme Masters
- Olde Tyme
- Olde Tyme Quadrille
- oldies
- On the Beat with Ralph Sweet
- On the Road to Boston
- On the Trail of the Lonesome Pine
- one night
- one night stand
- Ontario
- Open Up Your Heart and Let's be Friends
- Oregon
- Oregon Trail
- Oren Arnold
- Orford
- organization
- organizations
- origin
- Orville "Pop" Smith
- Orzechowski
- Osa Mathews
- Ottawa
- Ottawa Valley
- Otto Wood
- outing club
- Owen Morrison
- Ozark
- Ozark Jubilee
- Ozark Opry
- Ozarks
- Ozzy Stout
- PA
- Paddock Parade
- pageant
- Paine's First Set
- Pall Mall
- Pam McKeever
- Pancho Bair
- Pancho Baird
- panels
- Pantalon
- Papoose Pond
- Pappy Shaw
- Pardners
- Paris
- Parisian Star
- Parisian Varieties
- Park College
- party
- Pass Through and Around One
- Pat McIsaac
- Pat Pending
- Patricia Campbell
- Patrick Napier
- Patrick Pressley
- patter
- Patter Call
- Patter Calling
- Paul Amey
- Paul Bristow
- Paul Cote
- Paul Gifford
- Paul Hartman
- Paul Hunt
- Paul Jones
- Paul Kermiet
- Paul Moore
- Paul Phillips
- Paul Robinson
- Paul Tyler
- Paul Wells
- Pauline Kermiet
- Pavilion
- Pea Soup Reel
- Pearl Beer
- Peculiar Haines
- Peek-a-boo
- peek-a-boo over
- Peekskill
- Penn Fix
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsyvania
- Pereira
- Pete McMahan
- Pete Seeger
- Pete Sutherland
- Peter Barnes
- Peter Beemer
- Peter Davis
- Peter Rogers
- Peter Siegel
- Peterborough
- Phil Donahue
- Phil Jamison
- Phil Williams
- Philadelphia
- Philip Howard
- Philip Martin
- philosophy
- Phoenix
- photograph
- Phyliss Ashmun
- Pierre Chartrand
- Pigtails and Ribbons
- Pikes Peak
- Pine Mountain
- Pinewoods
- pioneer
- Pioneer Promenaders
- Pioneer Trio
- pioneers
- Pistol Packin' Mama
- Pittsburgh
- Piute Pete
- Plain Jane
- Plain Quadrille
- play parties
- playground
- Pleasant Valley Boys
- Plus
- Pocohantas Country
- Pocopson Valley Boys
- podcast
- poem
- Pokeberry Promenaders
- Pokey Eight
- Pokey Four
- Pokey O
- polka
- Polka Square
- Pony Boy
- Pop Smith
- Pop Sweet
- Pop Wagner
- Portland
- posters
- Potluck & Dance Tonite
- Poule
- Powder Mill Barn
- Prague
- Presque Isle Eighth
- Primo Fiore
- Prince Edward Island
- Prince Imperial Gallop
- Princess Elizabeth
- program
- Progressive
- Progressive Farmer
- progressive squares
- Promenade
- Promenade the Outside Round
- Promenaders
- promo
- Pull The Lady Through
- Puncheon Floor
- Purcell
- Puritans
- Push Her Away
- Push Old Pa
- Push Pa Shove Ma
- Put a Ring on Her Finger
- Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet
- Putnam County
- Putney
- Puttin' on the Style
- puzzle solving
- quadrille
- Quadrille Club
- Quadrille Joyeux
- Quadrille Ste-Clare
- Quebec
- Queen Elizabeth
- R. P. Christeson
- Rachael Stoeltje
- radio
- RadioLab
- Ragtime Annie
- Ragtime Piano
- Ralph Bonnell
- Ralph Malcolm
- Ralph Maxheimer
- Ralph Maxhimer
- Ralph Page
- Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend
- Ralph Page Trio
- Ralph Piper
- Ralph Sweet
- Ranch Hands
- Randy Miller
- Raton
- Rattlesnake Bit the Baby
- Rattlesnake Twist
- Ray Sebold
- Ray Shaw
- Ray Smith
- Raymond Smith
- Raz-de-Marée
- Reach for the Stars
- record album
- records
- Recreation
- Red Apple Rag
- Red Bates
- Red Foley
- Red Henderson
- Red River Jig
- Red River Valley
- Red Smith
- Red Warrick
- Red Wing
- rededication
- Redwing
- Redwood City
- Reel de Montreal
- Reel the Set
- Reel Your Partner
- refreshments
- Regency
- Regency dance
- regional styles
- religion
- Renfro Valley
- resources
- Reuben
- review
- revival
- Rhode Island
- Rhythm Outlaws
- Rhythm Rustlers
- ribbons
- Rich Sbardella
- Richard Hearne
- Richard Jett
- Richard Kraus
- Richard Worley
- Rick Hill
- Rick Mohr
- Rickey Holden
- Rifle
- right and left through
- Right Hand Gent by the Right Hand Around
- Right Hand High
- Right Hand High Left Hand Low
- right hand stars
- Right Lady High
- Riner
- Ring Shout
- Rip and Snort
- Rita Hayden
- Rita Saeger
- Riverside
- Road to Boston
- Rob Naess
- Robby Robertson
- Robert “Chief” Howell
- Robert Aylward
- Robert Lee Cook
- Roberts
- Robin Wilcox
- Robinson's Orchestra
- Rochester
- Rochester Schottische
- Rocky Mountain
- Rocky Mountain Dance Roundup
- Rocky Mountain Dancers
- Rocky Mountain Square Dance Camp
- Rod La Farge
- Rod LaFarge
- Rod Linnell
- Rod's Quad
- Rod's Right and Left
- Rode Up in a Dory
- Rodney Chestnut
- Rodney Miller
- Roger Coffin
- Roger Knox
- Roger Tilton
- Roger Whynot
- Rohrbough
- Roll the Barrel
- Rolla
- Ron Buchanan
- Ron Linnell
- Ron Refvik
- Rosamund Burgess
- Roscoe Holcomb
- Roscommon Lancers
- Rose of San Antone
- Roseanna McCoy
- Rosin the Bow
- Ross Ewen
- round dance
- Round Robin
- Rout
- Route
- Roy Castner
- Roy Close
- Roy McCutchan
- Roy Rogers
- Roy Sexton
- Royal Lancers
- Royal Scotch Quadrille
- Royal Square
- RP Hale
- Rubber Crutches
- Rufus Fisher
- Rufus Guinchard
- Rufus!
- Ruidoso
- Runnin' the Goat
- running set
- Running the Goat
- Russ Allen
- Russ Levine
- Russ Vervel
- Russell Lee
- Russia
- Rusty's Riders
- Ruth Jehle
- Ruthie Dornfeld
- Ryan Fitzpatrick
- Rye Waltz
- S. Foster Damon
- Saegertown
- Saguaro Whirl
- Sally Goodin
- Salt Lake City
- Sam Bartlett
- Sam Hinton
- Sam Mitchell
- Sam Queen
- Samantha Amey
- Sammy Spring
- San Antonio
- San Antonio Rose
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- Sandi Bryant
- Sandie Bryant
- Sandy Bradley
- Sandy Tepfer
- Santa Monica
- Santa Rosa
- Sashay
- Sashay Out
- Sashay Partners
- satellite
- satire
- Saturday Evening Post
- Saturday Night Square Dance
- Saundra Bryant
- Saw MIll Boys
- Sawmill Boys
- Schiehallion reel
- Schlitz
- school
- schottische
- schottishe
- Schroeder's Playboys
- Scotland
- Scots-Irish
- Scotsville
- Scott Killops
- Scottish
- Scout House
- Seacoast Squares
- search
- Seated Square Dance
- Seattle
- Sebastian Zijp
- Selma Kaplan
- Selmer Hovland
- Seneca Square Dance
- Servel
- set dance
- set running
- Sets in Order
- Settin' the Woods on Fire
- Seven Foot Dilly
- Seven-Up
- She Is Your Own Red Rose
- She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain
- She’s My Baby
- Sheik of Araby
- Sherburne
- Sherman Sanders
- shindig
- Shindig in the Barn
- Shirley and her Beeman Brothers
- Shirley Chaney
- shivaree
- Shoo-Fly
- Shoo-Fly Don't Bother Me
- Shoo-Fly Swing
- Shoot the Buffalo
- Shoot the Owl
- Shooting Stars
- Shove Ma
- Showdown Hoedown
- Shredded Hash
- Shuffle
- Sid Blum
- Sides Divide
- sight calling
- silent
- silent film
- Silly Threesome
- Silver and Gold
- Silver Bell
- Silver Creek School
- Silver Spinners
- Silver Spurs
- Silver Sput
- Silver Squares
- Simon Bronner
- Simonne Voyer
- singing calls
- singing square
- Sioux City Sue
- sisters
- Six Allemande
- Six Pass Thru
- Skip Barrett
- Skyline Farms
- slave
- Smitty
- Smitty Smith
- Smoke on the Water
- Smoky Mountains
- Snow Deer
- social dance
- Soco Gap Dancers
- Soda Rock Ramblers
- Soirée Canadienne
- Soldier's Joy
- Somebody Else's Date
- Somewhere Over the Rainbow
- Soundie
- South Dakota
- Southeastern
- Southern
- southern Appalachian
- Southern Appalachian Squares
- Southern Appalachian Squares 0 - Sampler
- Southern Appalachian Squares Glenville
- Southern Appalachian Squares Thread the Needle
- Southern Mountain
- southwest
- Southwestern
- Spade Cooley
- Spanish
- Spanish Caballero
- Spanish colonial
- speed
- Spin Dizzy
- Spinning Wheel
- Split the Ring
- Spokane
- Springfield
- Spurgeon Atwell
- square
- Square Acres
- Square Dance
- Square Dance - Where?
- Square Dance Callers Association of Northern California
- square dance calling
- Square Dance Fight
- square dance history
- Square Dance Medley
- square dance music
- Square Dance Oldies
- Square Dance Patterns
- Square Dance Systems
- Square Dance Workbook
- square dances
- Square Dances without Calls
- Square Dancin'
- Square Dancing
- Square Notes
- square t
- Square Through
- Square Waltz
- Square-'n-Round
- Squareback Reel
- Squares and Rounds
- St-Adalbert 1
- St. Adalbert
- St. Bernard's Waltz
- St. Louis
- St. Paul
- St. Petersburg
- Stamford
- Stan Burdick
- Stan Winchester
- Standard Club Quadrille
- Star
- Star All Eight
- Star Galaxy
- Star Hampshire
- Star the Ring
- star thru
- Starline
- stars
- Statue of Liberty
- Stay All Night
- Stealing Kisses
- Steamboat Springs
- Stella Kelly
- stepdancing
- Stephen Kimball
- Stepney Barn
- Steve Green
- Steve Hickman
- Stew Clark
- Stew Shacklette
- Stig Malmo
- stop and go
- Strawberries and Raspberries
- Strip the Willow
- Stu Jamieson
- Style
- styles
- styling
- Sudbury
- Sue Hunt
- Sugar Hill
- Sugarfoot Rag
- Summer Institute
- Summer Sounds
- Sun City Promenaders
- Sundowners
- Sunny
- Sunny Hills
- Super8
- Susan de Guardiola
- Susan Kevra
- Susan Spalding
- Susan Taylor
- Susannah Gal
- Suzie Q
- Suzy Q
- Swallowtail
- Swanee
- Swanee River
- Swarthmore
- Swat the Flea
- Swede Soderberg
- Sweden
- Sweet Home Alabama
- Swersie Norris
- swing
- Swing All Eight
- Swing at the Wall
- Swing Boys Swing
- Swing in the Hall
- swing in the rear
- Swing Like Thunder
- Swing Ma Swing Pa
- Swing Two Ladies
- Swing Your Ma
- swoopies
- Sydney
- syllabus
- Sylvia Miskoe
- T-Claw
- Tacoma
- Tait's Orchestra
- Take a Little Peek
- Take Three Swings
- tandem
- Taney Center
- Tasmania
- Tea-Cup Chain
- Teacup Chain
- team clogging
- Tech Squares
- Ted Glabach
- Ted Lizotte
- Ted Mack
- Ted Sannella
- Teen
- television
- tempo
- Tennessee
- Tennessee Star
- Tennessee Wagoner
- Terpsichore
- Terry Brandt
- Tex Williams
- Texan Whirl
- Texas
- Texas Chain
- Texas Do Si Do
- Texas Quickstep
- Texas Sta
- Texas star
- Texas Starlings
- Texas Tornado
- Texas Whirlwind
- Texsons
- Thad Byrne
- Thal Aylward
- That's Where My Money Goes
- The Basket
- The Bum Song
- The Girl with the Starry Eyes
- The More I See You
- The Peerless
- The Roberts
- The Rout
- The Route
- There Is a Tavern in the Town
- Theresa Lowder
- This Land Is Your Land
- Thomas Wilson
- Thrall Hall
- Thread the Needle
- Three Ladies Chain
- Three-Quarter Promenade
- thumbnail
- Tidal Wave
- Tide
- Till's Square Dance Band
- Tim Marriner
- Time
- timing
- Tin Lizzie Quadrille
- Tiny Clark
- Tip the Willow
- Tipperary
- title
- To Hear Your Banjo Play
- Tod Whittemore
- Today Show
- Toledo
- Tolliver Lawson
- Tom Allen
- Tom Hall
- Tom Parfet
- Tom Potts
- Tomas Hedberg
- Tommy Cavanagh
- Tommy Collins
- Tommy Dandurand
- Tommy Jackson
- Tommy Stoye
- Tony Mates
- Tony Parkes
- Tony Piears
- Tony's Back to Back
- Too Hot Mamas
- Too Old To Cut the Mustard
- Top Hands
- Toronto
- Tractor Tavern
- Tracy Schwarz
- traditional
- traditional western
- Trail of the Lonesome Pine
- trappers
- trend
- Tressie Dunlavy
- Tri-State Callers
- Triple Duck
- Triple Zero
- Trois-Rivières
- Tucker's Waltz
- Tucson
- Tucson Squares
- Tulip Square
- Tulsa
- Tulsa Square
- Tunbridge
- tunes
- Tunnel Square
- Tunnel Through
- Turkey Mountain Window Smashers
- Two Gents Swing with the Elbow Swing
- Two Leaf Clover
- Two Little Hoboes
- Two Little Right Hand Stars
- Two Little Sisters
- Two Lone Gent Do See Do
- Two Step
- Two Three Hand Stars
- two-step
- Twyla Woody
- Uncle Steve's Quadrille
- union
- University of Colorado
- University of Denver
- University of North Carolina
- Uptown Downtown
- Utah
- Vanderbilt
- varsovienne
- Vaughan Parrish
- Vaughn Parrish
- Vera Meier
- Vermont
- Veronica McClure
- Veronica's Vagabonds
- Vesta Johnson
- Vic Ceder
- Viceroy
- Victoria
- video
- videos
- Vienna
- Village Barn
- Viltis
- Viola Ruth
- Viper
- Virginia
- Virginia Reel
- Virginia Rowlands
- visiting couple
- Vivian Williams
- vocabulary
- Volo Bogtrotters
- Vyts Beliajus
- Wabash Cannonball
- Wade Driver
- Waggoner
- Wagon Wheel
- Wagon Wheelers
- Wagoner
- Wait for the Wagon
- Wakamomo Tachi
- Wal Millsom
- Walking In My Sleep
- walkthrough
- Wallace Dunn
- Wally Cook
- Wally Schultz
- Walter Finger
- Walter Lenk
- Walter Meier
- Waltham
- waltz
- Waltz Cotillion
- waltz quadrille
- Warp and Weft
- Warren Argo
- Washabuck
- washboard percussion Frederick Park
- Washburn
- Washington
- Washington Square Dance
- Wave the Ocean
- Waxahachie
- Wayne Walker
- Wayside Inn
- Wearin' of the Green
- Wearing of the Green
- weathervane
- wedding
- Wentworth
- Wes McVicar
- west
- West Coast Blues
- West Newbury
- West Te
- West Texas
- West Virginia
- West Virginia Square Dances
- Westchester
- Western
- Western Square
- western swing
- Westernaires
- Westport Point
- Wheel & Deal
- Wheel and Deal
- Wheelblazers
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- When the Work's All Done
- When the Work's All Done This Fall
- When You Wore a Tulip
- When You're Smiling
- Whirl Wind
- Whirlaway News
- whirligig around
- Whirlpool
- Whispering
- Wilbur Smith
- Wilbur Waite
- Wild Bill Reagan
- Wild Hog in the Woods
- Wilf Wiladal
- Will Patton
- Willa Semple
- Willamette Valley Caller
- William Chaisson
- William Smith
- Windmill
- Windsor
- Winfield Niblo
- Winston
- Wisconsin
- woman caller
- Woman in Love
- women
- Woodchopper's Reel
- Woodhull's Old Tyme Masters
- Woodrow Goellher
- Woodshed Four
- Woody Wilson
- workshop
- World Dances
- World of Fun
- World's Fair
- Worley Gardner
- Wreck of the Old 97
- Wrong Way Thar
- Wurlitzer
- WV
- Y'all Come
- Yankee Ingenuity
- Yellow Rose of Texas
- yodel
- York
- York Contra
- You Call Everybody Darling
- You Can't Call Her Darling Anymore
- You Were Only Teasing Me
- young
- Your Home Town
- Your Memory Sure Gets Around
- youth
- Yucaipa Roll Away
- Yucaipa Twister
- Yvan Gagné
- Yvon Mimeault
- Zack Coombes
- Zeke Canova
- Zibby McCutchan
- Zonker