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- Collection: Traditional western
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Duane "Wild Bill" Reagan - photos
These photographs of Duane "Wild Bill" Reagan were supplied by his widow, Pat. There's also a 1987 newspaper clipping describing his work.South Denver High School, Rebel Ranger, mid-1930sYahota Air… View itemDocument
Early Dance Houses
This piece about Texas dance halls is a companion to the author's article on Texas dance history. View itemDocument
Early Texas Dances
This article was written by Olcutt Sanders, a dance caller and historian who was among the founders of Foot 'n' Fiddle magazine, an early square dance magazine in Texas. View itemMoving Image
El Paso dancing, 1939
Square Dancing in downtown, El Paso, Texas, recorded during the Sun Carnival of 1939. We don't know for certain, but it's likely that these dancers were coached by El Paso caller Herb Greggerson. Pay… View itemStill Image
El Paso squares, 1940s
This selection of photos shows the Sun City Promenaders, a square dance club in El Paso, and several Square Dance Festivals in 1947. The photos are from the Jimmy Clossin Papers at the University of… View itemSound
Forward 6, Fall Back 8
Colorado caller Gib Gilbert calls a traditional western square dance for a New England audience. Caller Bill Litchman comments, "He took his calling style directly from his father and Marvin Shilling.… View itemMoving Image
Forward 6, Fall Back 8 - Bill Litchman
Bill Litchman, caller, in the traditional western style of square dance. This clip includes a walkthrough. The dancewaspublished by Lloyd Shaw in Cowboy Dances (1939).Recorded at Dare To Be Square,… View itemDocument
Frontier Dances - Bob Cook
A native of Colorado, Bob Cook's dancing experiences go back to the time when he was a seventh grader at the Cheyenne Mountain School. He was a member of the Cheyenne Mountain Dancers from 1939 to… View itemDocument
Fun, Vitality, Life: Square Dancing in Central City, Colorado
This article provides a historical overview of the dance performances in Central City, Colorado. The program began with Lloyd Shaw and one group of dancers in 1936, and expanded over the years. This… View itemDocument
Glencoe Promenade
Description of a square dance figure from south-central New Mexico; the figure probably goes back to the late 1800s. View item
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