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Square Dance attendance & new calls
This slide contains two graphs, part of a presentation by Guy Steele on "The Mathematics of Square Dance Singing Calls," complete with dancers from MIT's Tech Squares group demonstrating figures. You… View itemSound
Harper Smith
This is a short clip called by Harper Smith at the National Square Dance Convention in Dallas, Texas in April of 1954. The choreography is hand turn hash with several Allemande Breaks. View itemWebsite
50 Years of Square Dancing in Germany
The first square dance was held in Bremen on July 16, 1949, called by Paul Hartman and attended by five squares, mostly American servicemen and their guests. The event was a success and Hartman began… View itemWebsite
Heiner Fischle's website
Heiner Fischle is a German caller, choreographer, and organizer. He has compiled a detailed website including some material of general interest. View itemDocument
Cherokee Indian Circle Dance - Indian style?
Where does the square dance call "Indian style" originate? This description of a Cherokee dance, published in 1947, offers interesting possibilities. It comes from a booklet authored by two… View itemSound
Chain Down the Line (clip) - Herb Greggerson
Herb Greggerson is one of the most important names in southwestern U.S. square dance calling. This routine is also known as The Route.This site contains video footage of The Route called by Tony… View itemSound
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry - Herbie Gaudreau
Classic singing square, here in a live recording (1960s?) with caller Herbie Gaudreau. Today's contra callers probably know Gaudreau better than do contemporary square dance callers; his Becket Reel… View itemSound
I Only Want a Buddy - Herbie Gaudreau
Singing square, I Only Want a Buddy Not a Gal, by Massachusetts caller Herbie Gaudreau View itemPerson
Herbie Gaudreau
Massachusetts caller and choreographer Herbie Gaudreau is perhaps better known in today's contra dance world than in the modern square dance world. Gaudreau created a contra dance that he named the… View itemMoving Image
Royal Square
This demonstration number is for eight couples forming a tandem square, one inside the other. The choreography was created by Kira Heartsong for Calico and Boots. The High Country Squares club… View itemStill Image
Square Acres - square dance barn
This set of photos documents the construction of Howard Hogue's large square dance barn in E. Bridgewater, MA. It was one of the first and certainly the most active of the commercial square dance… View itemSound
Patter Call - Jack Jackson
This is a short clip of patter calling by Jack Jackson at a dance in New England in 1962. View item
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