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Red Bates, 1982 Pecos Promenade
The singing call, Pecos Promenade, was recorded by Beryl Main on Chaparral label #406. At 120 beats per minute (bpm) it is the first indication in this collection of a trend toward slower tempo that… View itemSound
Red Bates, 1990 Patter
The 1990 dance was again for the Longmeadow club. The most striking thing to notice is the much slower tempo. In 1980 Red’s tempo for the opening patter call was 128 beats per minute (bpm). By 1990… View itemSound
Red Bates, 1990 From A Jack To A King
In the singing call Red uses the Introduction/Break/Closer as it was recorded on the Red Boot Star label #1320 by Bill Anderson and continues the practice, now very common among MWSD callers, of using… View itemSound
Red Bates, 2006 Patter
The 2006 patter call shows Red’s usual programming using 11 of the PLUS Program calls in this one tip. The tempo had increased slightly to 123 bpm. His delivery style is conversational with somewhat… View itemSound
Red Bates, 2006 City Of New Orleans
The 2006 singing call, City of New Orleans, was probably to the Rhythm record #182 originally by Wade Driver with a Mainstream Program figure. By using three different figures in the dance rather… View itemSound
Red Bates, 2011 - Patter
The 2011 patter call is probably from a group in Florida where Red now lives in the winter. Two things are notable. One is that he is using a much smaller vocabulary of calls than he has in the tips… View itemSound
Red Bates, 2011 City of New Orleans
The 2011 singing call is the same one that he used in 2006, City of New Orleans, Rhythm record #182. The record, as Wade Driver called it, used a CALLERLAB Mainstream Program routine. As we noted in… View itemDocument
New Call Problems in the Mid 1970s
This is an excerpt from the book Step by Step Through Modern Square Dance History by Jim Mayo. It describes the situation that had been created by a flood of new calls in the mid 1970’s. Related… View itemDocument
Square Dancing Standard and Experimental Guidelines
A flood of new calls in the early 1970s led a group called Square Dance Systems to publish a catalogue of calls, an attempt to bring order to an increasingly-complex universe of new figures. Square… View itemDocument
A Square Dance Pioneer: Jimmy Clossin
This summary of an interview with Jimmy Clossin by Miriam Gray appeared in 1960. More than 50 years later, it is impressive the ways in which he anticipated the challenges facing the square dance… View itemDocument
What's New in SD? (1955)
This 1955 article takes a brief look at some figures that were considered new at the time. Among them: Pass Through, Allemande Thar, Dopaso, Box the Gnat, Rollaway, and Throw in the Clutch. View itemWebsite
CALLERLAB audiotapes
CALLERLAB is making available audiotapes that were recorded at their Convention educational sessions. These recordings include a valuable collection of information and educational material. Over the… View item
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