Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

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  • Collection: MWSD
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Larry Edelman - square thru variations

Larry Edelman writes, "It’s a drill that I picked up from an issue of SIO, probably from 1959 or so. I’m sorry to say that I didn’t note which issue or year. If it had an author attributed to it, I… View item

Square Dance Hall of Fame

This website, created by the Square Dance History Project, honors the 34 nominees to the Sets in Order American Square Dance Society Hall of Fame. Dorothy Shaw was the first person named, in January… View item

Santa Monica audio

Square dance caller and music producer Buddy Weaver has an original recording of the dances called at the famed "World's Largest Square Dance" in Santa Monica, CA, in 1950. He has… View item

Square Dance Magazines

This short article from 1996 provides a brief summary of the leading square dance magazines, as well as background information about the founders. View item
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"Square Dancing" film publicity

These are two items used to promote the Square Dancing film created by Bob Osgood and his Sets in Order team. The first is a full-page announcement that appeared in Sets in Order, June 1952; the other… View item

Fenton "Jonesy" Jones - interview

This lengthy interview (nearly three hours) with Fenton Jones was conducted by Bob Dalsemer and Drew Tronvig in Los Angeles in 1985. Dalsemer recalls: "In November, 1985 I toured the West Coast… View item

Square Dance Radio Spots

These are three radio ads that promote "modern American square dance." Each features a different well-known caller at the time: Don Armstrong Arnie Kronenberger Al Brundage They were created… View item
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Radio spots music

This is a record with music of the right length for producing radio spots. See the related item for three examples. View item

Buddy Weaver Music Podcast

Caller and record producer Buddy Weaver hosts a regular podcast that features modern square dance recordings going back to the 1950s. (Weaver cleaned up and digitized the complete five hours of the… View item
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Square Dance promo video

This video promoting modern square dance was produced by CALLERLAB in 2022. It's interesting to note that thepromo focuses more on the social aspects of square dancing than on choreographic… View item
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Dick Leger - promo photo

This newspaper photographer's shot portrays The Man With the Guitar. Viewers will find many other Dick Leger items on our site. View item
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Santa Monica 1950 - official program

This is the official program for the 1950 Diamond Jubilee square dance in Santa Monica. Our website has many other items related to this important event in square dance history. View item