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Cowboys' Christmas Ball controversy - Anson, Texas
Square dancing is not just about a dance; as a social activity, the subject inevitably reaches into broader questions about society at large. So it is with the Cowboy's Christmas Ball, the preceding… View itemDocument
Square Dance in Schools
This short article explains the successful square dance program at a small public school in Fairlee, Vermont. (A side note, not mentioned in the article: Ed Durlacher was brought up from New York to… View itemAustralia Square Dance History
An overview of how American square dance became popular in Australia View itemMoving Image
Just Because - Bob Dalsemer
Caller Bob Dalsemer and "Just Because," recorded 1990 in Oerbygaard, Denmark. This clip includes some of the walkthrough, with the dance itself starting at 00:58. The recording to which he… View itemWebsite
New England Fiddles
Caller William Chaisson calls the changes and Joe Cormier's fiddle leads the band in two quadrilles recorded at the French American Victory Club in Waltham, MA. The link takes you to a… View itemMoving Image
Lazy H - Bob Dalsemer
Bob Dalsemer calls a condensed version of Ed Gilmore's "Lazy H" figure. View itemSound
Buffalo Girls - 1927
The recording is [Tommy} Dandurand and his Barn Dance Fiddlers, recorded in 1927, with caller Ed Goodreau. Dandurand was a fixture on the National Barn Dance on WLS radio in Chicago. For a detailed… View itemSound
McLeod's Reel - 1926
Recorded by Tom Owens and the WLS Barn Dance Trio; this band was featured on the National Barn Dance on WLS radio in Chicago. For a detailed appreciation of this program, see fiddler Paul Tyler's post… View itemDocument
An Old-Time Dance, Missouri, 1929
An account from a 1929 newspaper of what the author deemed "what was probably a duplication of the real, old-time hill country dance." Interestingly, the words "square dance"… View itemSound
Joe Lewis singing
Joe Lewis modified an accordion and used it to accompany himself on singing calls. He also used it to accompany his singing of songs as an entertainer after (or during) the dance. These two were… View itemSound
Jack Jackson Singing
Jack Jackson was a widely traveled caller from Ohio in the 1960's. He was one of the few who entertained musically in addition to calling. His after party performances included parodies with… View item
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