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First Two Ladies Cross Over - Duke Miller
This audio recording features the singing calls of Duke Miller. The noted New Hampshire musician Bob McQuillen played accordion or piano for Duke Miller for 26 consecutive summers and grew tired of… View itemSound
First Two Gents Cross Over - Harold Luce
Harold Luce started fiddling with the Ed Larkin Dancers in north central Vermont in the 1930s and played with them until his death at age 95 on August 13, 2014. In this recording, he is accompanied on… View itemMoving Image
First Two Gents Cross Over - Adam Boyce
Traditional singing square dance, recorded in West Newbury, VT, on July 24, 2010. The caller and fiddler is Adam Boyce, accompanied by piano player Donna Weston. Adam has the women crossing over after… View itemDocument
Finding List of Southeastern Square Dance Figures
Author J. Olcutt Sanders embarked on a serious effort to track down examples in other regions of square dance figures found in the Southeastern United States. He devised a shorthand method of… View itemDocument
Fiddling to Henry Ford - Literary Digest, 1926
Henry Ford attracted considerable attention when he showcased the dance fiddling of Mellie Dunham, from Maine. This lengthy contemporary account describes that relationship in detail. "Mr.… View itemDocument
Fiddlin' and Square Dancing Are Back
Newspaper article (1971) written by caller Betty Casey, describing the start of the Green Grass Cloggers.Percussive clogging in choreographed routines had been made popular at the Mountain Dance and… View itemMoving Image
Fiddlers' Festival dance - Cape Breton
We're not sure where this event took place. The musicians here are Brian MacDonald and Hilda Chiasson.This is one of a large collection of videos posted on Facebook by the Cape Breton Music Media… View itemMoving Image
Fiddle Faddle - Jim Mayo
Jim Mayo, caller; dance composed by Jim York, recorded at the Dare To Be Square dance weekend held at the John C. Campbell Folk School, in Brasstown, NC: November 18-20, 2011 View itemSound
Festival Quadrille (clip) - Ted Sannella
This clip is part of a series of eight square dances called by Ted Sannella at the Chesapeake Spring Dance Weekend, sponsored by the Folklore Society of Greater Washington. (Ted called another four or… View itemMoving Image
Fenton "Jonesy" Jones calling square dance
Fenton "Jonesy" Jones made numerous appearances as a square dance caller in Hollywood movies. This is one example; if a viewer can identify the source, we'll update that information in this site and… View itemStill Image
Fenton "Jonesy" Jones - photos
This collection of photos of Fenton "Jonesy" Jones includes several from movies in which he appeared. #3 - publicity photo #4 - calling in the 1940s #5 - calling in 1949 #6 - with… View itemSound
Fenton "Jonesy" Jones - interview
This lengthy interview (nearly three hours) with Fenton Jones was conducted by Bob Dalsemer and Drew Tronvig in Los Angeles in 1985. Dalsemer recalls: "In November, 1985 I toured the West Coast… View item
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