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Hurry, Hurry, Hurry - Herbie Gaudreau
Classic singing square, here in a live recording (1960s?) with caller Herbie Gaudreau. Today's contra callers probably know Gaudreau better than do contemporary square dance callers; his Becket Reel… View itemDocument
Foot 'n' Fiddle (Texas)
This journal was started in 1946 by Marlys Swenson (later Marlys Waller) and Anne Pittman, joined by Olcutt Sanders as another editor. It is among the earliest square dance magazines—Rod… View itemSound
Three Texas squares - Herb Greggerson
These are three examples from Texas caller Herb Greggerson. 1) In Do-Si-Do Fun, hecalls a square that relies heavily on the western docey-do: partner left hand turn, corner right hand, repeated.… View itemStill Image
Herb Greggerson - Herb's Blue Bonnet Calls
Greggerson's book, originally published in 1937, contains more than 50 dances, supplemented with photographs and diagrams. The full text is available at the Internet Archive.After a brief foreward… View itemSound
Chain Down the Line (clip) - Herb Greggerson
Herb Greggerson is one of the most important names in southwestern U.S. square dance calling. This routine is also known as The Route.This site contains video footage of The Route called by Tony… View itemSound
Texas Square Dance Music - Henry Hudson
This is the 1946 album, 78 rpm, issued by Texas musician Henry Hudson and his Fiddle Band. Hudson recorded on the Henlee label, sometimes with his band being called the Pioneer Fiddle Band. He worked… View itemDocument
Four dances from Gaspé
This is a detailed description in French of the four dances documented in the Grand Chain - Grande Chaîne video. It was created by Hélène Gaulin, the caller in the video. View itemDocument
Westchester's Famous Square Dance Expert
Article describing Elisha Keeler's approach to calling squares View itemDocument
Cherokee Indian Circle Dance - Indian style?
Where does the square dance call "Indian style" originate? This description of a Cherokee dance, published in 1947, offers interesting possibilities. It comes from a booklet authored by two… View item
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