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Trail Of The Lonesome Pine - Rich Sbardella
Called by Rich and Lynn Sbardella at Ralph Sweet's Powder Mill Barn, Hazardville, CT. Dance was hosted by the South Windsor MWSDC. Ralph Sweet, who owns this barn, is in the middle square. The singing… View itemMoving Image
Marina - Rich Sbardella - MWSD Early – Basic Program
This video is of a dance at the Powder Mill Barn in Enfield, CT. The barn is owned by Ralph Sweet. The caller is Rich Sbardella. Rich is a disciple of Dick Leger and calls in Dick's style which,… View itemMoving Image
Heart of My Heart - Rich Sbardella - MWSD Early – Basic Program
This video is of a dance at the Powder Mill Barn in Enfield CT. The barn is owned by Ralph Sweet. Callers are Rich & Lynn Sbardella. Rich is a disciple of Dick Leger and calls in Dick's style… View itemMoving Image
Rich Sbardella - MWSD Early – Basic Program
The recording is One Horse Reel on Top/Grenn label. Patter called by Rich Sbardella. This set is called to a more traditional style of music, which is strongly phrased, and the caller is calling well… View itemWebsite
Amish Barn Dance
Article from Pennsylvania Folklife (winter 1962-63) describing how a traditional community with no electricity hosts events with large crowds: "The most disturbing technical problem that faces the… View itemMoving Image
Mr. Pastry Dances the Lancers
Richard Hearne (aka "Mr. Pastry") was an English vaudeville performer and a regular performer in children's shows on the BBC starting in the 1950s.Here he mimes being part of a set dancing the… View itemDocument
Square Dancing in the Mountains of Eastern Kentucky
NOTE: To read the actual booklet, choose the links above. Numbers 1 & 3 are large files and, depending on your internet speed, might take a while to load. This 1971 collection begins with a… View itemStill Image
Let's Square Dance! - Richard Kraus
This series of five albums was recorded in 1956 featuring the calling of Richard Kraus, a caller and professor at Teachers College, Columbia University. This item serves as a general introduction to… View itemDocument
Let's Square Dance! - instruction booklet - Richard Kraus
This a sample instruction booklet from Album 3 in the "Let's Square Dance!" series, aimed at ages 12-14, Grades 7-8. View item
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