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Calling for Modern Square Dancing - Jim Mayo
Author Jim Mayo writes:"This book is, I believe, the first "Caller Text" that was written for modern (as different from traditional) square dance callers. The draft was written in 1961 & 62 which… View itemDocument
MWSD - The First Ten Years
This article by Jim Mayo looks at the first ten years of what is usually called Modern Western Square Dancing. Jim traces the development of the activity in detail, citing specific callers and their… View itemSound
Grand Square - Edson Cole
This dance starts with the Grand Square figure, along with other calls common to the 5th figure of the Lancers.Edson Cole was a fiddler and dancing master from Freedom, NH. He was documentedby Eloise… View itemSound
Girl I Left Behind Me (clip) - Dudley Laufman
Live recording, Bernardston, Massachusetts, with Dudley Laufman calling. This was the third dance of the evening. At the end of Soldier's Joy, a contra, Dudley had groups of two couples circle left… View itemSound
Crooked Stovepipe - Dudley Laufman -
Live recording, Bernardston, Massachusetts, with Dudley Laufman calling. He introduces this by noting, "First dance I ever called, when I was a kid." Music by the Fall Town String Band: Ed Phelps and… View itemMoving Image
Traditional Western Squares called by Bill Litchman: Sampler
This is a sampler of the dances taught by Bill Litchman at his workshop session (November 19, 2011) on Traditional Western Squares. Each dance is represented more fully in other videos at this site;… View itemMoving Image
Trail of the Lonesome Pine called by Bill Litchman
Don Armstrong took the basic figures of Gents and Corners, a New England style square by Ralph Page, and set them to a popular tune, thereby creating a well-known singing square dance. Here,… View itemSound
Ed Gilmore - Q&A, 1962 - part 4
This is a discussion with noted California caller Ed Gilmore, recorded October 21, 1962, at a meeting of the Tri-State Callers Association, an organization of professional MWSD callers from Maine, New… View itemSound
Ed Gilmore - Q&A, 1962 - part 3
This is a discussion with noted California caller Ed Gilmore, recorded October 21, 1962, at a meeting of the Tri-State Callers Association, an organization of professional MWSD callers from Maine, New… View itemSound
Ed Gilmore - Q&A, 1962 - part 2
This is a discussion with noted California caller Ed Gilmore, recorded October 21, 1962, at a meeting of the Tri-State Callers Association, an organization of professional MWSD callers from Maine, New… View itemSound
Ed Gilmore - Q&A, 1962 - part 1
This is a discussion with noted California caller Ed Gilmore, recorded October 21, 1962, at a meeting of the Tri-State Callers Association, an organization of professional MWSD callers from Maine, New… View itemMoving Image
Mont Joli 1
This video is from Soirée Canadienne, a Canadian television series broadcast every Saturday evening from 1960 to 1983 , or 23 years on TV-7 (CHLT - Sherbrooke ) and network Télé-Métropole . The show… View item
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