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Ray Shaw biography
This article profiles caller Ray Shaw, brother of Lloyd Shaw. Ray started calling square dances in Los Angeles in 1939, and was featured as the guest on the first television show that Bob Osgood… View itemDocument
Veteran Square Dancers - California's oldest club?
This short article from 1946 describes a square dance club that has been meeting regularly for 17 years without missing a night, which would mean it started in 1929. The group counts 300 "rural… View itemStill Image
Duane "Wild Bill" Reagan - photos
These photographs of Duane "Wild Bill" Reagan were supplied by his widow, Pat. There's also a 1987 newspaper clipping describing his work.South Denver High School, Rebel Ranger, mid-1930sYahota Air… View itemDocument
Texas Dance Memories
This booklet was compiled by Betty Casey; it presents an overview of Texas square dance history. The booklet features short profiles of 14 "first pacesetters," figures who are important in the history… View itemStill Image
Square dance, Clayville, RI - 1940
This series of 18 photos were taken at a Saturday night square dance in Clayville, RI, hosted by Mr.and Mrs. Tucker. He is the local police chief and the caller for the event. Music is provided by a… View itemMoving Image
Bill Litchman - oral history
This is an interview conducted with Bill Litchman as part of the research into preparing a 2018 exhibit on "Square Dancing in the American West" at the University of Denver. Litchman discusses his own… View itemDocument
1953 Texas Inaugural Ball square dance program
The custom of having a square dance as part of the Inaugural Ball for the Texas Governor started in 1947; this is the program for the 1953 Inaugural, scheduled for 6:30 PM until midnight. The second… View itemDocument
Ramapo Rangers - Rod LaFarge, 1945
This is a full year of the newsletter issued by Rod LaFarge for his local dancers in northern New Jersey. The following year, LaFarge began publishing Rosin the Bow, a more ambitious commercial… View itemDocument
Arizona Style of Modern Square Dancing
This booklet, created by a consortium of 20 local square dance club, was sponsored by the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, testament to the rising popularity of square dance at that time.… View itemSound
Trinidad Twister - Marvin Shilling
This recording by Colorado caller Marvin Shilling—the Trinidad of the title refers to the Colorado location rather than the Caribbean island—was recorded in 1953; it appeared on the Western Jubilee… View itemDocument
"Swing Your Partner!"
This account of square dancing in Michigan dates from 1951, and informs the reader early on, "Today, Michigan is a square dancer's paradise." Because of that time, it offers a glimpse of an era when… View itemWebsite
Interview with Saundra Bryant
Short interview with Saundra Bryant, African-American square dance caller from Chicago."At one point, there were 25 or 30 African-American square-dance callers. Now there are probably 12 or 14 of us… View item
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