Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

Browse Items (1924 total)

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Bob Dalsemer 2: How Callers Use Dance Structure

Caller Bob Dalsemer discusses ways that square dance callers can present basic figures in different variations, provided that they understand the basic structure of a given dance. This gives the… View item
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Bob Dalsemer 3: Traditional Dance is a Polished Rock

Bob Dalsemer discusses how a traditional dance, done in a community over time, becomes a sort of gem, all the essence and no frills. View item
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Bob Dalsemer 4: How do you choose what dances to teach?

Caller Bob Dalsemer discusses some of the choices he makes in deciding what kind of squares to include in a dance program. What kind of music is available? Who are the dancers and what are they… View item

Bob Dean - dances from Pocahontas County, WV

Bob Dean was invited to be on staff for the 1980 program at American Dance & Music Week at Pinewoods Camp, a week sponsored by Country Dance and Song Society. This half hour recording by Ed Durham… View item
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Bob Isaacs - Grid Square - Balance The Grid

Grid squares refers to a style of square dance where the choreography moves dancers from one square to another. Bob Isaacs is calling a dance he wrote, with music provided by the Clayfoot Strutters:… View item
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Bob Isaacs - Grid Square - Maze of Heys

Grid squares refers to a style of square dance where the choreography moves dancers from one square to another. Bob Isaacs is calling a dance he wrote, with music provided by the Clayfoot Strutters:… View item

Bob McClary - Girl I Left Behind Me - Texas, 1942

The calls below come from "Play and Dance," A Collection of Songs and Tunes from the Library of Congress Archive of Folk Song. Recorded in 1942 by John A. Lomax. Liner notes and transcription created… View item

Bob Osgood

This is a short clip from a tip called by Bob Osgood at the 1954 National Square Dance Convention in Dallas, Texas. The choreography is a 3 Ladies Chain routine. View item
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Bob Osgood - square dance television program

Bob Osgood, publisher of Sets in Order, was an enthusiastic promoter of square dance and a follower of Lloyd Shaw. Here is an early broadcast that illustrates Osgood's attempts to reach a home viewing… View item
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Bob Osgood - television program #2

A later broadcast of Osgood's television show, this time featuring his first guest caller (2:25), Ray Shaw, the brother of Lloyd Shaw. Ray Shaw was one of the few square dance callers in the Los… View item