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Trail of the Lonesome Pine (clip) - Don Armstrong
Armstrong took the figures from Ralph Page's "Gents and Corners" dance and set them to a popular tune, creating a well-known singing square. We've also included here a clip of Ted Sannella prompting… View itemSound
Don Armstrong - progressive squares
Don Armstrong calls a tip that moves dancers from one square to another. At the start of the clip, he alerts dances how this will be done and warns them that when they reach the outside of the hall… View itemMoving Image
The Lloyd Shaw Foundation in Action
This 1972 film describes the many activities of the Lloyd Shaw Foundation at that time. The movie was written and narrated by Don Armstrong, and produced and edited by Truett Myers. In addition to… View itemMoving Image
Don Armstrong - square dance
By this time in his long career, Don Armstrong was mostly calling contra dances. In this example, he keeps dancers moving smoothly with a relaxed cadence to his calls. View itemDocument
One Night Stand - Don Armstrong
This handout by caller Don Armstrong explains his approach to one night stands. In addition to programs for adults, he also discusses programs for children and for teens. The handout also discusses… View itemDocument
Beginners Square Dance - plan for ten lessons (Don Armstrong)
This handout by caller Don Armstrong explains in detail the material to be covered in a ten-session introduction to square dancing. For each lesson, Armstrong suggests figures to be taught and… View itemMoving Image
Windmill Lancers / Windmill Quadrille
Caller Don Armstrong provides the instruction and prompts the figures in this Retrospective Session from the 2000 Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend, held at the University of New Hampshire. The Windmill… View itemDocument
Square Dance Workbooks 1, 2, and 3 - Don Armstrong
These are three books of square dance calls published by Don Armstrong, starting in 1956. As such, they give a good sense of the repertoire at that time. View item
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