Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

Browse Items (1925 total)


Rickey Holden Interviews

These are six interviews conducted with Rickey Holden— dance caller, organizer, author, editor and publisher. He was the author (or co-author) of several important books: The Square Dance Caller… View item

Rickey Holden - interview & three dances

This item starts with an interview conducted by Mildred Buhler with Rickey Holden and his wife, Marti, in San Antonio, Texas. At that time, Holden was a Square Dance Consultant with the San Antonio… View item
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Rich Sbardella - MWSD Early – Basic Program

The recording is One Horse Reel on Top/Grenn label. Patter called by Rich Sbardella. This set is called to a more traditional style of music, which is strongly phrased, and the caller is calling well… View item

Reviving Old Time Dances (article, Detroit, 1926)

Short journal article describing program sponsored by the Recreation Department of Detroit, with "Mr. Ford's dancing instructor [Benjamin Lovett]. "The dances are being enthusiasticaly… View item

Revival Squares - video and web links

Recent years have seen the appearance of a new audience for square dances. One important starting point was a series of dances in the Portland, Oregon, area, led bycaller Bill Martinand the Foghorn… View item

Revival of American Square and Country Dancing - 1949

This article documents the change on American dance floors in Michigan state in the late 1940s, where, in the author's words, "croonersare replaced bycallers." She cites the work of Grace Ryan in… View item

Review of Cowboy Dances

This review of Lloyd Shaw's book comes from Douglas Kennedy, director of the English Folk Dance and Song Society from 1924 (after Cecil Sharp's death) until 1961. Kennedy had teveled to the… View item
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Reuben, Reuben (Quadrille) - Adam Boyce

Traditional quadrille, recorded at an open house sponsored by the Ed Larkin Dancers, Tunbridge, Vermont, March 12, 2010. The prompter is Adam Boyce, and the musicians are Harold Luce on fiddle and his… View item

Reminiscences of Lloyd Shaw - Mary Jo Bradford

Mary Jo Bradford was a physical education teacher in Tulsa, Oklahoma, when she encountered Lloyd Shaw and the Cheyenne Mountain Dancers in 1946. That summer, she traveled to Colorado Springs to study… View item
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Redwing - Jim Kimball

Afternoon workshop of traditional New York state square dances Sponsored by the Southern Tier Country Dance Society Saturday, May 14, 2016 Cuba Grange Cuba, NY The tune is Redwing, commonly… View item

Redwing - Dip and Dive - Ed Durlacher

Ed Durlacher, caller. The tune is Redwing. Durlacher's vocal style is distinctive. Recorded in 1941, with music by Al MacLeod's Country Dance Band. View item