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Cut Off Six - Tiny Clark
Recorded in the early 1940s; music by Mr. and Mrs. Siller. Compare the calls for this dance with others in the collection doing the same figures. The liner notes to his album on Asch Records 344… View itemDocument
D. B. Hendrix correspondence
A Selection from the Papers of David B. Hendrix, Smoky Mountain Square Dance Callerby Bob DalsemerIn 1999 the John C. Campbell Folk School received a donation of several boxes of papers from the… View itemSound
Daisy Alamo patter - Robby Robertson
This is a live recording of Robby Robertson teaching a "Daisy Alamo" combination of a Daisy Chain and an Alamo Style progression, followed by calling a dance with those figures. (The dance itself… View itemMoving Image
Dance - Scotsville Fire Hall, Cape Breton
Documentation of a dance in Scotsville, a small community in Inverness County, Cape Breton. The second half of the video is from a different venue, and includes music and step dancing. View itemStill Image
Dance magazine publishers - photos
This photograph appeared in the October, 1950, issue of Sets in Order. It shows a gathering of prominent dance leaders at the folk dance camp at the University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA; each man… View itemDocument
Dance to the Music and Listen to the Calls: The Square Dances and Calling of Jerry Goodwin
Larry Edelman produced this video in 1987 while studying square dance calling with Jerry Goodwin. The apprenticeship was supported by a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Council on the… View itemStill Image
Dancers at Pappy Shaw's summer school - 1947
These photos show dancers at Shaw's summer class in August of 1947. In addition to squares, photos illustrate round dances, including the Varsouviana. (This last photo includes musicians: piano,… View itemDocument
Dancing Feet of Ontario
Article looking at square dance traditions in Ontario; includes anecdotes from several locations and a lengthy letter describing dances in Fergus, Ontario. View itemMoving Image
Dancing in Westport Point, MA
This video documents a gathering of summer and year-round residents of Westport Point, MA. The community has hosted a summer dance series since the 1930s, originally led by Lyle Ring and then, in… View itemDocument
Dancing with Style - Lloyd Shaw
Lloyd Shaw's Cheyenne Mountain Dancers took the country by storm on their many cross-country trips; their stylish dancing, and Shaw's ideas on the subject, influenced subsequent generations of… View itemMoving Image
Dancing's Dilemma - Dancing Around Denver
Dianne Gum hosted a public access show in Denver for some 15 years. In this hour-long program, recorded in 1996, she is joined by veteran caller Cal Campbell to discuss challenges facing modern square… View item
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