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Arkie Woodchopper
A biography of this colorful performer, from the website. Also see the Wikipedia article View itemMoving Image
Paine's First Set Quadrille (1815) - Quadrille Club
Danced by the Quadrille Club, under the direction of Ellis Rogers. The fourth figure (Trenis) has been omitted here.For comparison, this collection also includes the same dance performed by Nederlands… View itemMoving Image
Lancers, 5th figure
The music for this group of dancers is by Spare Parts, from their compact disc, The Civil War Ballroom. View itemMoving Image
Quadrille Club at The Royal Pavilion
Videotaped excerpts from a series of dances: Jacky Tarr, a three-couple English country dance from a collection by Wilson 1816 02:55 Thethird figure, `La Poule' from a set of five in a quadrille.… View itemMoving Image
Waltz Cotillion & Prince Imperial Quadrille
The Quadrille Club and others dancing at a Ball in Richmond, England. The Waltz Quadrille is the first item of three in this video; the Prince Imperial Quadrille begins about 05:53. View itemMoving Image
John Bill Allen - Big set, Berea, 1975
Note: The first minute of the video has garbled sound, but then it clears up. Notes from John Ramsay: Documentary of local square dancing in Berea, Kentucky circa 1975. The caller, John Bill Allen,… View itemMoving Image
Appalachian Big Set - Berea- 1993
The Berea Festival Dancers, with caller Teresa Lowder, perform an Appalachian Big Set demonstration at the 1993 Mountain Folk Festival, Berea, Kentucky. The group is introduced by their director, John… View itemMoving Image
Kentucky Set Running - 1993
Notes by John Ramsay: "The Kids From The Country, a country dance team from Silver Creek School in Berea, Kentucky demonstrate "running a set" or Set Running. Their music teacher, Mr. Barton, is the… View itemSound
Marching Through Georgia - Worley Gardner
(Note: This site also contains a video clip of the dance as called by New England caller Dudley Laufman.)from the chapter on Morgantown, WV, in West Virginia Square Dances, by Bob DalsemerSinging… View itemWebsite
West Virginia Square Dances by Robert G. Dalsemer
Dalsemer describes dance figures as done in five rural West Virginia communities in the mid- to late 1970s and reports on their regular dance events, including programming, type of audience, price and… View itemWebsite
50 Years of Square Dancing in Germany
The first square dance was held in Bremen on July 16, 1949, called by Paul Hartman and attended by five squares, mostly American servicemen and their guests. The event was a success and Hartman began… View itemMoving Image
Grand Colonel Spin - demonstration
The Grand Spin call is no longer on the standard lists of MWSD calls. The dancers here are tapping but the figure itself can be clearly seen, starting at :35. The dancers are the Air Cap Tappers at… View item
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