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Square Dancing - Bob Osgood film, 1951
Film made by Bob Osgood / Sets in Order in 1951 to popularize square dancing.A discussion among square dance enthusiasts on the history of the film can be found here. As that discussion reveals, a… View itemMoving Image
To Hear Your Banjo Play - 1947
with Pete Seeger and Margot Mayo's American Square Dance Group
Filmed in 1947 with Pete Seeger as the host, this show explores the banjo in particular, including plenty of attention to American traditional music and dance. Starting at 12:05, the film includes the… View itemwith Pete Seeger and Margot Mayo's American Square Dance Group
Stu Jamieson - The Old-Time Kentucky Running Set
Although the title speaks of Kentucky Running Set, this article deals with many different variations of the big circle or big set formation of Southern Appalachian mountain dancing. The author is Stu… View itemDocument
"Dancing to the Music: Domestic Square Dances and Community in Southcentral Kentucky (1880-1940)"
This detailed examination of the role of square dances in south central Kentucky is written by a folklorist, who based his findings on interviews with 20 musicians, dancers, and callers in that… View itemStill Image
Square Dance with Soul
See the accompanying booklet for the text that was included with this record, released by Folkways in 1969. View itemDocument
Square Dance with Soul, booklet
Liner notes and dance descriptions, the booklet that came with the LP recording View itemMoving Image
Nils Fredland - Bachelor Mill
This dance originated with George Waudby, of Tucson, Arizona, and was adopted by Jimmy Clossin of El Paso, Texas. It is described in more detail in Lee Owens, Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West… View itemSound
I Want a Gal (clip) - Rod Linnell
Released on the Rodeo label (Canada, RXP1), with music by The Maritime All Stars. Note the chorus singing the refrain! View itemSound
Maple Sugar Gal (clip) - Rod Linnell
This clip includes once through the figure, once through the chorus (which comes after each figure), and the closing break, which mirrors the start of the dance.The dance is described in detail in… View itemSound
Mountain Music Madness (clip) - Rod Linnell
The tune is "I Like Mountain Music," here adapted into a singing call. Recorded on the Apex label, #9-26431. The band is Don Messer's Islanders. In her notes to the dance in Square Dances from a… View itemSound
Presque Isle Eighth (clip) - Rod Linnell -
The tune is Crooked Stovepipe. Rod Linnell: "We used to spend each winter in northern Maine and call dances there and in neighboring New Brunswick. During one of these winters, the Presque Isle club… View itemSound
Pack Up Your Troubles / Three-Quarter Promenade (clip) - Rod Linnell
The tune is Pack Up Your Troubles. Linnell's calls were released on the Rodeo label (Canada, RXP1), with music by The Maritime All Stars. View item
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