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Floyd Woodhull contract - 1951
This is a 1951 contract for Floyd Woodhull and his band, along with the cover letter he sent to the sponsor.For additional information about Woodhull, follow this link. View itemDocument
Let's Dance (northern California)
published by the Folk Dance Federation of California View itemWebsite
Let's Dance archives
Let's Dance is the monthly publication of the Folk Dance Federation of California, beginning in 1944. More than 750 issues have been digitized and are available at this site, along with a listing of… View itemDocument
Swing that Pretty Gal! - 1941 article
In the wake of the first trips by the Cheyenne Mountain Dancers, this 1941 article inThe Saturday Evening Post describesthe widespread passion for squares that is growing, and gives Lloyd Shaw credit… View itemWebsite
Southside Squares and Swersie Norris
This was a feature story on television feature-- with the video now no longer available-- about the Southside Squares, Chicago's last remaining black MWSD group and the pioneering work of caller… View itemWebsite
Virginia square dance, 1925, silent movie
This silent movie footage, created by Fox News, shows dancers and fiddlers recorded in an outdoor setting in Quitman [sic], Virginia. We cannot identify this location since it does not show up on… View itemDocument
Square Dance in Schools
This short article explains the successful square dance program at a small public school in Fairlee, Vermont. (A side note, not mentioned in the article: Ed Durlacher was brought up from New York to… View itemDocument
East Tennessee Square Dance Calls
This 1938 collection of more than 50 dances was written in Oklahoma, where the author explains that he has received "many requests for some East Tennessee square dance calls, or figures." He adds that… View itemMoving Image
Frank Chavez Describes American Square Dances and Spanish Cuadrillas in New Mexico
From childhood, 70-year old fiddler Frank Chavez was exposed to New Mexico Spanish folk music, growing up west of Estancia in New Mexico. Frank was a guitar player and then in 1990, after meeting Ken… View itemStill Image
Frank Grundeen cartoons
Grundeen produced the cartoon that appeared on the back cover of Sets in Order for every issue.InAs I See It,Bob Osgood relates how that came about:"I had been noticing one of the class members in… View itemSound
Two Three Hand Stars (clip) - Frank Kaltman
The tune is Big John McNeil. Frank Kaltman founded the influential magazine American Squares and (with Dan Wolfert) created the Folkraft record label after World War II. View item
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