Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

Browse Items (1925 total)


Cumberland Square Dance - Frank Kaltman

Editor's note: We have classified this as Northern / New England but in reality the dance is a traditional English square.Tony Parkes comments: The dance is Cumberland Square. The caller is Frank… View item

Frank Lane - 2 recordings

Two audio clips illustrating Frank Lane's style. The first is a hash call recorded live at Hoedown Hall, Mantua, NJ on May 16, 1960. In it, Lane introduces a new call, Wheel and Deal, written… View item

Patter Calling - Frank Lane

This is a short clip from a dance called in 1969 by Frank Lane at the Newton Pavillion in Newton, New Hampshire View item
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Cheyenne Mountain Dancers in DC

Note: click on the image to get a larger picture.The Cheyenne Mountain Dancers appeared at the National Folk Festival in Washington, DC, in 1939, their first trip to the East from their Colorado… View item

Appalachian Squares

This document comes from the Dixie Folk Institute, 1951, and presents a concise description for many common figures that can be used in a big set. View item

Square Dances Without Calls

Square Dances Without Calls is a channel on the Internet Archive devoted to older recordings that were made for square dancing. The collection pays particular attention to records from the Southwest.… View item

Square Dancing in the 1800s

Fred Feild is a long-time caller and square dance enthusiast; now living in Tucson, he was instrumental in creating the Chicago Barn Dance Company in the mid-1970s. In recent years, he has started… View item
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Butterfly Whirl- Fred Feild

Fred Feild calls a traditional square dance, held at the home of Marion Waudby in Tucson, Arizona, May, 1999. Other dances filmed during this session are:Grapevine Twist (two couple)Grapevine… View item

The Li'l Abner Official Square Dance Handbook

This book clearly is riding the wave of square dance popularity at that time. Linking square dance with the popular comic strip figures, the book even more explicitly illustrates the way that the… View item

Take a Little Peek - Floyd Lockhart

We've been unable to locate information about caller Floyd Lockhart—please contact SDHP if you have any—but he's paired as a caller on the album on which this file appears with Jim Munyon,… View item

Two Leaf Clover - teaching

The audio recording is from a dance at the Ballard Eagles in Washington state. The full audio (two sides of a 45-minute cassette) can be heard on the Internet Archive.Fred Park described the figure… View item
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Two Leaf Clover - video

THis video illustrates the Two Leaf Clover figure that can be called as part of a big set. View item