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Duck and Dive - Bill McAdoo
A section of square dance caller Bill McAdoo calling Duck and Dive on May 11, 1985 at the Independence Grange Hall, Independence Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania. Similar examples may be… View itemMoving Image
Duck and Dive - Bob Dalsemer - Maryland Line 7
At the Dare To Be Square dance weekend, Bob Dalsemer led a workshop on "Dances of Maryland Line," a small town in northern Maryland that he visited often in the 1970s. Attentive viewers will… View itemMoving Image
Duck and Dive - Jerry Goodwin
Yet another example a classic square dance figure. See the many related items for other versions.Recorded at a square dance on February 7, 1987 at the Prosperity Fire Hall, Washington County, PA.Jerry… View itemSound
Duck for Oysters (clip) - Burns & Wheeler
"Duck for the Oyster, Dig for the Clams" is surely one of the most common traditional square dance figures. There are many examples of this dance on the SDHP website. Here it's "Duck for Oysters,… View itemMoving Image
Duck for the Oyster - Adam Boyce
Traditional singing square dance, recorded in West Newbury, VT, on July 24, 2010. The caller and fiddler is Adam Boyce, accompanied by piano player Donna Weston. View itemMoving Image
Duck for the Oyster - Bob Dalsemer - Maryland Line 5
This is what might be termed a semi-singing square. Maryland Line caller Jake Jacoby always called Duck for the Oyster to the tune Little Brown Jug (as played by The Sawmill Boys). Note the Georgia… View itemDocument
Duck for the Oyster - origins
This discussion of Duck for the Oyster was an e-mail from the author, Tony Parkes, to the coordinator of the Square Dance History Project. A search on this site for "oyster" will bring back numerous… View itemMoving Image
Duck for the Oyster / Grapevine Twist
This square incorporates two well-known figures.Filmed in Super-8 by Bob Dalsemer, May, 1979, at the Vandalia Gathering, an annual festival in Charleston, WV, sponsored by the West Virginia Department… View itemMoving Image
Dudley Laufman - Monadnock Muddle
This dance comes from the repertoire on the great New England caller, Ralph Page, and is called here by Dudley Laufman in the "Retrospective" session at the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend, January… View itemWebsite
Duke Miller website
Duke Miller was a square dance caller (and a wrestling coach) in Gloversville, NY, and later became a popular caller for summertime dances in the Monadnock region of southwestern New Hampshire. His… View itemMoving Image
Duluth Stomp
Square dance figure originally created by Lloyd Yesberger (Duluth, MN) and published in Sets in Order, March, 1953. Caller Jim Saxe took the dance and modified it, keeping the key figure, the series… View item
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