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Ends Turn In - Susan Kevra
Dance composed in 1952 by Ed Gilmore, a well-known square dance leader of the 1950s; Susan Kevra, caller; Becky Tracy, fiddle, and Keith Murphy, piano; recorded at Pinewoods Camp, Plymouth, MA, Family… View itemSound
Ends Turn In (clip) - Joe Lewis
Joe Lewis was one of the big names in square dance calling; he played an accordion that was specially fitted out so that different notes would produce different kinds of sounds, and his big hit was… View itemSound
Ends Turn In (clip) - Raymond Smith
Dance created by Ed Gilmore, with many versions available on this site. Music here is played by Jack Barbour's band. View itemMoving Image
Engine #9 - Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston, caller, with the Falltown String Band: Jack Arensmeyer, acoustic guitar and mandolin; Jason Burbank, keyboard, fiddle; Jack Nelson, bass; Champ Dickinson, electric guitar, and Linwood… View itemMoving Image
This square dance was filmed for a Quebec, Canadian television series called Soirée Canadienne that aired between 1960 and 1983. The show was hosted by Louis Bilodeau. View itemMoving Image
Entrelacs 2
This square dance was filmed for a Quebec, Canadian television series called Soirée Canadienne that aired between 1960 and 1983. The show was hosted by Louis Bilodeau. View itemMoving Image
Eriskay Quadrilles - Scottish square
Performed to Allan MacDonald on the pipes. Ceolas Summer School, Eriskay Ceilidh, Scotland. Notice the aerial figure created by the two side couples at 5:45! View itemMoving Image
Evolution of Square Dance, 1940–1960
At the 2008 National Square Dance Convention, Colorado dancer, caller and historian Calvin Campbell presented a program on twenty important years in the change from traditional to modern square dance.… View itemStill Image
Exhibition groups - photos
These photos from the Bob Osgood collection illustrate various exhibition groups. Although most are unidentified, there is a photo from the 1964 World's Fair, and another group from the 10th… View itemWebsite
Explaining Traditional Squares and Contras to MWSD folks
This website is an effort by Clark Baker—a MWSD caller who also enjoys traditional contras and squares—to explain those more traditional forms to modern square dancers. Clark's essay begins: "Modern… View itemDocument
Fall Lake George - outing clubs
This 2007 newspaper article describes an annual gathering of outing clubs at Lake George, New York. For many decades, young people interested in outdoor activities-- hiking, canoeing, rock climbing,… View item
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