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Bob Dalsemer 4: How do you choose what dances to teach?
Caller Bob Dalsemer discusses some of the choices he makes in deciding what kind of squares to include in a dance program. What kind of music is available? Who are the dancers and what are they… View itemMoving Image
Bob Dalsemer 3: Traditional Dance is a Polished Rock
Bob Dalsemer discusses how a traditional dance, done in a community over time, becomes a sort of gem, all the essence and no frills. View itemMoving Image
Bob Dalsemer 2: How Callers Use Dance Structure
Caller Bob Dalsemer discusses ways that square dance callers can present basic figures in different variations, provided that they understand the basic structure of a given dance. This gives the… View itemMoving Image
Bob Dalsemer 1: Structure of Dance Programs in Traditional Series
Caller Bob Dalsemer describes his experiences in traditional dance communities. Each community may have just a few break figures that appear in all dances, which means that callers can program a lot… View item
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