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Swing Two Ladies - Ralph Page, 1955
Recorded at a dance in Fitchburg, MA, in 1955 by Harold Spaulding. Released on Dudley Laufman's CD compilation, "The Sound of Ralph Page." See also a video clip of Tony Parkes teaching this dance at… View itemSound
Star the Ring (clip) - Ralph Page
Recorded by the Ralph Page Trio, to the tune of Girl I Left Behind Me (Disc 364) View itemDocument
The Value of Square Dancing - Ralph Maxhimer
In this essay, Ralph Maxhimer explains why he sees square dancing as a vital social/recreational activity. He was a founding member, along with his wife, Eve, of the National Square Dance Convention… View itemSound
Birdie in the Cage (backup)
Items on the internet don't always live there forever. In case the website for the Radiolab show Birdie in the Cage doesn't remain, we've uploaded the transcription here. You'll find a link to the… View itemMoving Image
Quadrille Club at The Royal Pavilion
Videotaped excerpts from a series of dances: Jacky Tarr, a three-couple English country dance from a collection by Wilson 1816 02:55 Thethird figure, `La Poule' from a set of five in a quadrille.… View itemMoving Image
Paine's First Set Quadrille (1815) - Quadrille Club
Danced by the Quadrille Club, under the direction of Ellis Rogers. The fourth figure (Trenis) has been omitted here.For comparison, this collection also includes the same dance performed by Nederlands… View itemMoving Image
Les Lanciers or Duval's 2nd Set. No.4 & 5
Intended as an introduction to Regency quadrilles for new members of Quadrille Club, the steps used in the Grand Chain have been simplified by leaving out the `Ballotes' called for in the origional… View itemMoving Image
Quadrille Club, Les Lanciers or Duval's 2nd Set, Quadrilles No. 1, 2 &3
This video was intended as an introduction to Regency quadrille dancing for new members of Quadrille Club thus at one point in the first quadrille the ladies make a circle in the centre of the set… View itemStill Image
A Callers' Association? - 1952 discussion, the association of modern western square dance callers, was established in 1974. However, discussions about creating caller… View item
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