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Jean Alve
Jean Alve has been calling squares for more than 50 years. She lives in upstate New York and now calls a weekly two-hour session of "Square, Round, Line & Polka Dancing" at a local senior center.… View itemSound
Alabama Jubilee (clip) - Joe Lewis
Alabama Jubilee was a smash hit for Joe Lewis, and the dance was also recorded by a dozen other callers. This clip illustrates one time through the figure along with a lengthy set of closing calls.… View itemSound
Indiana (clip) - Ed Gilmore
"Take her back to your Indiana home." This clip includes the introduction and once through the figure. A search on this website for Gilmore will turn up many other items linked to this… View itemSound
I'll Swing Yours, You Swing Mine (clip) - Les Gotcher
In his prime as a modern square dance caller, Les Gotcher was known as the Hash Master. (For an example of Gotcher in full hash mode, listen to this live recording from 1958.) Here, in an earlier… View itemStill Image
Les Gotcher - record albums
Record album covers; click to listen to I'll Swing Yours from this recording or Forward Eight and Chain Across. View itemSound
Forward Eight and Chain Around (clip) - Les Gotcher
The main figure of this dance involves ladies chaining across and along a line, mixed in with grand chains. Unlike the visiting couple pattern of I'll Swing Yours, for example, in which just one… View itemSound
Hinky Dinky Parlee-Voo (clip) - Benjamin Lovett
Benjamin Lovett, the New England dancing master who worked closely with Henry Ford, here calls with music provided by the Henry Ford Orchestra. View itemSound
Wedding Quadrille (clip) - Gene Gowing
This short clip includes just one time through the figure. The tune is Haste to the Wedding. Gowing does each couple in turn, then two head couples, two side couples, and finally all couples going at… View itemStill Image
Gene Gowing - photo
Gowing was a contemporary of Ralph Page. Unlike Page, who stayed in the Monadnock region of southwestern New Hampshire where both men grew up, Gowing spent time in Hollywood and attempted to bring… View itemStill Image
Iowa dance program, 1864
Mid-19th century dance programs were comprised primarily of quadrilles and couple dances. Here is one such program from Des Moines, Iowa, 1864. PROGRAMME. Part First. GRAND… View itemDocument
American Square Dances of the West and Southwest
Electronic copy of 1949 book by Lee Owens, with music arranged by Viola Ruth. Excellent resource made available through the Internet Archive. The book can be read online, downloaded as a PDF file, or… View itemWebsite
Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest
Electronic copy of 1950 book by Lee Owens, with music arranged by Viola Ruth. Excellent resource made available through the Internet Archive. The book can be read online, downloaded as a PDF file, or… View item
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