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It's a Small World - Dee Dee Dougherty-Lottie
Dee Dee Dougherty-Lottie calling a singing call from a live-recording tape made at a dance in the early years of the 21st Century. View itemSound
Gloria Rios Roth - patter
Gloria Rios Roth calling the patter half of a tip at a dance in New England in 1960. View itemSound
Maria - Gloria Rios Roth
Gloria Rios Roth calling a singing call at a dance in New England in 1960. View itemSound
Marie Hawes - patter
For more information, see the exhibit on women callers in modern square dance. View itemDocument
Women Callers - article
Article presumably written by Bob Osgood, describing the challenges and opportunities for women square dance callers View itemStill Image
Glenn Pease - dance posters
Two posters advertising dances called by Orford, NH, caller Glenn Pease. (He did spell his name with "nn," despite one of the posters.) The Huntington Pavilion poster dates from 1946; that dance venue… View itemSound
Polly Wolly Doodle (clip) - Gene Gowing
This dance uses the familiar children's song as the basis for a singing square. It's unclear whether caller Gene Gowing is singing the song at the beginning; the quality of the voice… View itemStill Image
Square Dance in advertisements
These magazine ads, mostly from the late 1940s and early 1950s, illustrate the widespread presence of square dance in American popular culture. Beech-Nut chewing gum Life April 21, 1952beer (beverage… View item
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