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Liberty Squares
This square dance sequence, called by Bill Heyman, was recorded on July 6, 1986, part of a weekend celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty. Click here for information about the… View itemDocument
Let's Stop Hashing Our Squares
This essay, written more than 60 years ago, speaks to the longstanding tension between those who like predictable dance figures and those who seek continual variety. The author admits "that I am just… View itemStill Image
Let's Square Dance! - Richard Kraus
This series of five albums was recorded in 1956 featuring the calling of Richard Kraus, a caller and professor at Teachers College, Columbia University. This item serves as a general introduction to… View itemDocument
Let's Square Dance! - instruction booklet - Richard Kraus
This a sample instruction booklet from Album 3 in the "Let's Square Dance!" series, aimed at ages 12-14, Grades 7-8. View itemMoving Image
Let's Square Dance - instructional films, 1950s
In the mid-1950s, Janet R. MacLean, a professor in the Indiana University Department of Recreation, produced a series of six instructional films to introduce square dancing. The films, each… View itemMoving Image
Let's All Face Out - Larry Edelman - Dances of Jerry Goodwin:
Larry Edelman, caller; dance by Buford Evans. As part of the intro and break, Larry alternates two figures from the "allemande alphabet": Allemande X (pass one and swing the next) and… View itemDocument
Les Quatre Berceaux - related documents
This item gathers together various documents related to the videotaped performance of the dance, Les Quatre Berceaux:• Instructions, as interpreted and explained by John Ramsay with assistance… View itemMoving Image
Les Quatre Berceaux - cotillion for 6 couples
“Les Quatre Berceaux” (The Four Cradles) was presented by Dance Discovery at the Missouri History Museum in conjunction with an exhibit on Napoleon. The group reconstructed the dance from… View itemMoving Image
Les Lanciers or Duval's 2nd Set. No.4 & 5
Intended as an introduction to Regency quadrilles for new members of Quadrille Club, the steps used in the Grand Chain have been simplified by leaving out the `Ballotes' called for in the origional… View itemMoving Image
Les Lanciers de Quebec - Quebec Lancers
This video illustrates the first two figures of a Quebecois version of the Lancers Quadrille, danced at the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend in January, 2009. The tune and the name for the first figure… View itemDocument
Les Gotcher's Text Book for Square Dance Callers
One of the leading callers in promoting the use of sight calling, Les Gotcher went his own way as modern square dance developed. Frequently described as "The Hash Master," Gotcher was not part of the… View item
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