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Hoodoo Religion and American Dance Traditions: Rethinking the Ring Shout
Article by Katrina Hazzard-Donald looks at the relationship between African-American churches and traditional dance. As the article's summary puts it: "When one considers the history of American dance… View itemMoving Image
The Great American Folk Dance
The caller featured in many sequences is Bob Van Antwerp. This film was produced by KBYU, Provo, Utah, produced in cooperation with the Associated Square Dance Clubs of Utah. The original film had… View itemStill Image
Brasstown Callers
The six callers at Dare To Be Square, Brasstown, NC, 2011. They are also consultants to this Square Dance History Project. From left to right: Phil Jamison, Bill Litchman, Larry Edelman, Tony Parkes,… View itemStill Image
DTBS attendees
A group shot of the participants in the Dare To Be Square weekend, Brasstown, NC. There were 69 dancers registered, of whom fully 49 are dance callers. View itemStill Image
DTBS Callers & musicians
The callers are joined by the musicians from the Dare To Be Square Weekend. Front row: Jim Morrison, guitar and fiddle; Sam Bartlett, banjo; Claudio Buchwald, piano and fiddle; Steve Hickman, fiddle View itemMoving Image
Keith Blackmon & Pony Boy
Nils Fredland led a workshop session that included many dances from the Keith Blackmon collection at the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend, Durham, NH, January 19, 2013. Here, he speaks briefly about… View itemMoving Image
New River Train
Nils Fredland calls a singing square set to this well-known bluegrass song. The dance comes from the repertoire of Keith Blackmon, a square dance caller in the Twin Tiers region of southwest New York… View itemMoving Image
Bully of the Town
Nils Fredland calls a singing square from the repertoire of Keith Blackmon, an upstate New York square dance caller. The dance figures are the familiar Cut Off Six, also known as Divide the Ring. A… View itemMoving Image
San Antonio Rose
There are many versions of singing squares set to this popular tune. Here, Nils Fredland calls one from the repertoire of Keith Blackmon, an upstate New York square dance caller. A selection of… View itemWebsite
Prince Edward Island - quadrilles
Bowing Down Home is a detailed website devoted to the fiddle traditions of Prince Edward Island. The site includes videos, photographs, music files, and interviews (both as audio files and as… View itemMoving Image
Dick Leger - Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
Dick Leger was known as "The Man with the Guitar." This clip shows him having fun with the dancers: "I can't believe I'm doing this!" Recorded at the York Contra… View item
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