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Lee Kopman calls
This "Wordle" is an illustration of how frequently calls written by Lee Kopman appear in modern square dance calling. The size correlates with the frequency of the call's use, Readers interested in… View itemMoving Image
Lee Kopman - MWSD Challenge-4 Dancing
This video is of dancing at the AACE (Academy of Advanced and Challenge Enthusiasts) event in Milwaukee, WI in June of 2010. The CALLERLAB dance program is Challenge-4. The caller is Lee Kopman. View itemWebsite
Learn To Dance and Call Square Dances the Foster Way
Two sets of instructional cards are available online. Each set contains 35 two-sided cards, with descriptions of basic figures as well as complete dance routines.Some original sets are available for… View itemSound
Learn Square Dancing - Ed Gilmore
This is a track from Ed Gilmore's instructional square dance LP, "Learn Square Dancing," released on Decca in 1956. The album included instructional segments such as this with short practice pieces… View itemMoving Image
le quadrille Américain - late 19th century
Tune composed and dance choreographed by François Paul in 1888, this dance was done up until World War I. It is composed of five figures: promenade, the basket, wooden horses, the visits and "The… View itemSound
Lazy H (clip) - Ed Gilmore
Recording of Ed Gilmore calling his composition, the Lazy H. You can also watch a video of that dance with Tony Parkes calling. View itemMoving Image
Lazy H - Tony Parkes
Tony Parkes is calling Ed Gilmore's classic dance, the Lazy H. As the dance progresses, Tony adds variations so that instead of couples doing a right and left through around a standing line of four,… View itemMoving Image
Lazy H - Bob Dalsemer
Bob Dalsemer calls a condensed version of Ed Gilmore's "Lazy H" figure. View itemWebsite
Lawrence Loy - biography
Two items, both related to caller Lawrence Loy. A detailed biography can be found at, which has a detailed website with information about performers, including a jukebox with audio… View itemMoving Image
Late Nineteenth Century Quadrille
Virtually every dance manual published during the nineteeth century contains information on the performance of the quadrille. The Library of Congress site where this video (and others in the same… View itemWebsite
Late Eighteenth-Century Social Dance (article)
Article that provides a summary of 18th century dance, including the contredanse française, a dance for four couples in a square. Also offers links to documents in the Library of Congress… View itemMoving Image
Las Cuadrillas: Five-Part Suite
The interpretation and choreography of the five part Las Cuadrillas is by Dr. Lorenzo A. Trujillo based on the teaching of Marie Oralia Duran Trujillo, Damian Archuleta, with additional notes by Helen… View item
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