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Jim Munyon
This album sent us searching to learn more about the two individuals. We've determined that "Munyan" refers to Jim Munyon, who was a southern California dance caller who appears in numerous newspaper… View itemDocument
Jim Wilkerson's dance cards
This is a collection of cards by caller Jim Wilkerson; we think he was from Ohio, but would appreciate additional information that can be provided. View itemSound
Jim York - Hash, live recording, 1955
Jim Mayo: Jim York was a very prolific writer of choreography. The Sets In Order magazine began publishing dances regularly in 1953 and Jim York's dances appeared regularly from then on. I… View itemStill Image
Jimmy Clossin - card, biography, flyer, letter, news story
Jimmy Clossin was an influential Texas caller who unfortunately never recorded commercially. (This Square Dance History Site would dearly love to post clips from live recordings—please contact us if… View itemDocument
Jimmy Clossin - bio
Biography of Jimmy Clossin, from 1947. Although SDHP has numerous items related to Clossin, we would love to add an audio file of his calling. To the best of our knowledge, he never recorded… View itemDocument
Jimmy Clossin - personal scrapbook
Jimmy Clossin, of El Paso, was one of the most influential Texas callers in the 1930s and beyond. Author ofWest Texas Square Dances, he also produced numerous albums though as far as we know, he never… View itemStill Image
Jimmy Clossin - photos
This selection of photographs comes from the Jimmy Clossin Papers, held in the Archives of the University of Denver. View itemStill Image
Jimmy Clossin - photos at Camp Ihduhapi
A collection of photos showing Jimmy Clossin at Camp Ihduhapi, Loretto, Minnesota, August 27 - September 4, 1950. Other instructors at the camp, which was sponsored by American Squares magazine, were… View itemStill Image
Jimmy Clossin - record album
Cover and label of instrumental album produced by Jimmy Clossin View itemSound
Jimmy Clossin, producer - square dance instrumental music
Although he never recorded albums featuring his calling, Jimmy Clossin did produce recordings of instrumental music. These clips come from Square Dances without Calls (1940), with music by the Blue… View itemSound
Jimmy Morris and Tommy Cavanagh interview
Interview with two British callers, conducted by Mildred Buhler and shared with her dancers back in California. The two men were the co-founders, president and vice-president, of the fledgling British… View itemSound
Jingle Bells (clip) - David Park Williams
From the CD set "Mostly Quadrilles," containing two CDs of called dances, 24 in all, and two CDs of just instrumental tracks, arranged by David Park Williams. Musicians are Bill J. Sparrow, fiddle;… View item
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