Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

Browse Items (1926 total)


Cowboy Dances - records and movies

Provides information about the Lloyd Shaw recordings on Decca, the movies that were made to accompany them, and the relevant dance figures and their location in the Co View item
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Cheyenne Mountain Dancers - Docey-Doe Hoedown

Third in a series of three silent films made to accompany Shaw's 1947 recordings with the "Duel in the Sun" Orchestra. Working from an incomplete copy of the footage, we have attempted to create an… View item
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Cheyenne Mountain Dancers - Split Ring Hash

Second in a series of three silent films made to accompany Shaw's 1947 recordings with the "Duel in the Sun" Orchestra. Working from an incomplete copy of the footage, we have attempted to create an… View item
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Cheyenne Mountain Dancers - Star by the Right

First in a series of three silent films made to accompany Shaw's 1947 recordings with the "Duel in the Sun" Orchestra. Working from an incomplete copy of the footage, we have attempted to create an… View item

Docey-Doe Hoedown - Lloyd Shaw

A YouTube site that plays Lloyd Shaw calling from his Cowboy Dances album View item

Lloyd Shaw calling (clip)

This short audio clip illustrates Shaw's calling style and voice. Other items on this site refer to full-length recordings posted elsewhere. View item

Shredded Hash - Lloyd and Myrtis Litman

Several years after the 1962 publication of Instant Hash by Lloyd Litman and Rickey Holden, Shredded Hash was created by Litman and his wife, Myrtis. An unusual aid for callers seeking choreographic… View item

Lloyd Shaw and the Cheyenne Mountain Dancers

As superintendent of the public K-12 Cheyenne Mountain School in Colorado Springs from 1916 to 1951, Lloyd Shaw earned national attention. After coaching a successful football team for several years,… View item

Lloyd Shaw - Christmas letters

These are three letters written as "annual belated Christmas greetings" from Lloyd and Dorothy Shaw to participants in the Cheyenne Mountain School summer classes. They provide a good sense… View item
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Contra Corners Canon

The dance was composed by Pittsburgh caller and choreographer Ron Buchanan. In this video, it's being called by Lisa Greenleaf. View item
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Lisa Greenleaf 6 - the future of squares

Last in a series of six Lisa talks about ways to keep modern square dancing alive in the future. She cites the Pacific Northwest Teen Competition as one promising model to involve young people, and… View item
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Lisa Greenleaf 5 - squares in the contra culture

Fifth in a series of six Lisa is a well-known caller of contras and squares, usually working at events that are advertised for contra dancers. She discusses some of the challenges of incorporating… View item