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Square Dance - Steamboat Springs, 1951
This silent movie shows children dancing at the second annual Square Dance Festival held in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. The film was taken by Leonard Fisher, whose daughter was one of the dancers;… View itemSound
Captain Jinks / Divide the Ring - Leonard Hurst
Two clips from Colorado caller Leonard Hurst, who came to Australia in 1951 to do a series of radio broadcasts. He played an important role in spreading square dance to that area. More information… View itemMoving Image
Québécois square - Les p’tits chars à brasse-corps
This is part of an evening dance sponsored by Les Danseurs et Musiciens de l'Ile Jésus, the old name for Laval, across the river from Montréal. The group was founded in 1978 and holds… View itemMoving Image
Québécois square - "La Passe des dames, la Passe des hommes"
This is part of an evening dance sponsored by Les Danseurs et Musiciens de l'Ile Jésus, the old name for Laval, across the river from Montréal. The group was founded in 1978 and holds… View itemSound
Do Paso What (clip) - Les Gotcher
sample of Les Gotcher's calling style, in this case building a dance from a break sequence Black Mountain 128 View itemDocument
Les Gotcher - Square Dancin'
Published in 1950, the book contains directions to 100 dances, as well as photographs illustrating basic moves for beginners. Among those are Do-Ci-Do, Docey, Do-Sa-Do, and Do-Paso. (see the Contents… View itemSound
Hashing the Breaks (clip) - Les Gotche
Les Gotcher was the self-proclaimed king of hash. Here's an example of his calling. Square dance enthusiasts who followed him from dance to dance in New England in the 1950s noticed, though, that… View itemSound
Les Gotcher - hash - 1958
live recording - note the fast tempo, about 138 bpm Les Gotcher was one of the early full-time traveling callers. He was known as the "Hash Master" and this clip from a 1958 dance… View itemSound
Les Gotcher - callers' class
This recording comes from the collection of Stig Malmo. It has some gaps, which you may notice when the audio jumps from one thing to another, but as the contributor notes, this gives you a good… View itemSound
I'll Swing Yours, You Swing Mine (clip) - Les Gotcher
In his prime as a modern square dance caller, Les Gotcher was known as the Hash Master. (For an example of Gotcher in full hash mode, listen to this live recording from 1958.) Here, in an earlier… View itemSound
Forward Eight and Chain Around (clip) - Les Gotcher
The main figure of this dance involves ladies chaining across and along a line, mixed in with grand chains. Unlike the visiting couple pattern of I'll Swing Yours, for example, in which just one… View item
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