Square Dance History Project
The rich story of North American square dance finally has a home in the digital age.

Browse Items (1926 total)


Arkansas Traveller - Marvin Shilling, 1953

Colorado caller Marv Shilling calls the Arkansas Traveller, recorded live. At the start, he reviews the Wagon Wheel figure. View item

Dave Taylor - Patter, 1965

from CALLERLAB, February 16, 2017 Dave Taylor - 1927-2017Dave passed away February 12, 2017 in Spring Hill, Florida. Dave was a founding member of CALLERLAB, serving several years on the Board of… View item

Square Dance Video collections

There are thousands of videos on sites such as YouTube that show modern square dancing. Several individuals have done their own collecting, presenting many videos on one location. Andy Abeles is based… View item
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Lisa Greenleaf 1 - working with a contra mentor

First in a series of six. Lisa Greenleaf, a well-known caller of traditional squares and modern squares from the 1950s and 1960s, describes how she got started as a contra caller. She describes… View item
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Lisa Greenleaf 2 - discovering squares

Second in a series of six Lisa described how she moved into squares, discovering exciting squares at Pinewoods Camp from the calling of Larry Edelman and Kathy Anderson. Later, also at Pinewoods,… View item
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Lisa Greenleaf 3 - modern and traditional squares

Third in a series of six Lisa is one of a relatively small number of individuals who dance both modern and traditional squares. Here she describes what she likes about each form. View item
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Lisa Greenleaf 4 - finding material

Fourth in a series of six In this segment, Lisa offers some advice for individuals interested in learning to call squares. She also discusses where to find new material, and describes the difficulties… View item
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Lisa Greenleaf 5 - squares in the contra culture

Fifth in a series of six Lisa is a well-known caller of contras and squares, usually working at events that are advertised for contra dancers. She discusses some of the challenges of incorporating… View item