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Jean Alve
Jean Alve has been calling squares for more than 50 years. She lives in upstate New York and now calls a weekly two-hour session of "Square, Round, Line & Polka Dancing" at a local senior center.… View itemStill Image
Jean Alve
Jean Alve has been calling squares for more than 50 years. She lives in upstate New York in the town of Spencer, half an hour south of Ithaca. She now calls a weekly two-hour session of "Square,… View itemPerson
Jack Murtha
Jack Murtha, a caller in his own right, worked closely with Bob Ruff to teach square dance to schoolchildren. This portrait of him was painted by Gene Anthony, who also portrayed the members of the… View itemSound
Jack Jackson Singing
Jack Jackson was a widely traveled caller from Ohio in the 1960's. He was one of the few who entertained musically in addition to calling. His after party performances included parodies with… View itemDocument
Jack Arehart's calling booklet
Esther and Jack Arehart were the proprietors of Arehart's 1000 Acres, a "Ranch Resort" (aka Dude Ranch) in the Adirondacks region of northern New York state. The resort ("famous… View itemSound
It's a Small World - Dee Dee Dougherty-Lottie
Dee Dee Dougherty-Lottie calling a singing call from a live-recording tape made at a dance in the early years of the 21st Century. View itemSound
It Ain't Gonna Rain No More (clip) - David Park Williams
From the CD set "Mostly Quadrilles," containing two CDs of called dances, 24 in all, and two CDs of just instrumental tracks, arranged by David Park Williams. Musicians are Bill J. Sparrow,… View itemStill Image
Irving Andert program, 1948
From his earliest days as a dancer, Connecticut caller Ralph Sweet kept a notebook of the programs he encountered at dances he visited. Here is his record of a dance called by Irving Andert at the… View itemMoving Image
Irving Andert interview
Video or just audio Interview with Connecticut square dance caller Irving Andert, conducted by Paul Trowbridge, July 9, 1983, recorded in the Brooklyn (CT) Grange. At that time, Andert had been… View item
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